The most gorgeous creature

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Artemis tore through the woods with tears streaming down her face. She pushed branches out of her face, her breathes ragged as she ran. She almost felt it. The change in atmosphere as she crossed from the vampires territory to the wolves. It felt wonderful. She had missed what it felt like to run with the wolves.

The pack ran from the house, sensing her presence. Paul didn't like many people but he couldn't help liking Artemis. It was nearly impossible not to like her. She glanced back at the barrier to see Alice watching her. Her face was pained but footsteps in front of Artemis made her look away from Alice. There was the pack, all in wolf form, standing in front of her.

Slowly they began to shift back to human form, leaving Artemis stunned. They had grown up so much. She let out a breathy laugh, not quite believing she was back.

"well would you look at that, our goddess has come to pay us a visit"

Paul spoke almost mockingly making Artemis laugh as he embraced her. No matter what anyone said he would deny it, but he had missed her. The pair stayed locked in a hug for a small while, Artemis taking advantage of his body heat. She was cold. Freezing.

The whole pack ran in for a group hug before shifting once more to their wolf shape. Artemis laughed as she too took a new form. Being a goddess, she could take any shape she liked, and this was one of her favourites.

She was much smaller than the other wolves, the shape of an ordinary wolf. She was black in colour, sleek jet black. Her eyes glowed blue like orbs. Her teeth were sharper than any ever seen before, and she was by far the most gorgeous creature any of them had laid their eyes on.

The pack took off in to the woods, Artemis following behind. Soon they approached her new home. Jackson stood inside watching as she said her brief goodbyes. He smiled a smile full of love. No one could ever challenge the love he had for her, even if it was just friendship.

Or so he thought.


Artemis trudged through the woods that lead to the Cullen house. Her head peered around the trees only to be met with a males face. She spun back around trying to sink in to the tree even though she knew he would find her. She had no intention of using her abilities in front of someone, even if they were technically under her ruling. Vampires were classified as monsters, therefore making Artemis their goddess.

Emmett frowned at the place where he had sworn he had seen a face. He ran quickly to the tree seeing a girl pressed against its trunk tightly, as though she wanted to disappear.

Emmett laughed at her embarrassment.

"Spying on my muscles, huh?"

He questioned her, making her go an even brighter red on her cheeks. He laughed a great laugh, that made the air around them boom. The whispers filled her ears confirming what she had thought.


Could she escape? They seemed to be everywhere in forks. She watched as the boys eyes darkened. Artemis' eyes widened in fear. He was clearly three times her size and she had no intention of showing her powers to him.

" Werewolf "

He declared. With a hush of wind the whole family surrounded her. One of them hissed at him, one she didn't know. He had bronze hair, and was very tall.

" Look at her you idiot, she's no wolf. Besides, Alice saw her coming "

At the mention of Alice's name Artemis looked up from the ground. There stood Alice at the end of the row. She looked slightly sheepish at the fact that her family had scared her. The only one really doing anything about was Rosalie. Her piercing eyes glared at the family. Anyone who went to open their mouth instantly backed down.

Artemis // Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now