the hell that is school

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Artemis jumped in the car, slamming the door shut on the torrential downpour that occurred outside. The rain made a harsh drumming noise on the cars roof, and for once, she was glad she was in the car.

She laughed as Jackson ran through the curtain of rain, attempting to shield himself from the billowing wind that pushed at the water. He finally made it to the car which began their short journey to their new school.


Artemis hated it with a passion, and it always got worse with her age. Somehow people always seemed to mess it up for her, someone meaning Jackson. His most common way of messing up was calling her by her other nickname, ally. Short for Alpha, this is the name she used to go by but a lot has changed since then. Besides, what kind of kid has the name Alpha?

They drove through the storm and the wind, scaring Artemis as the car creaked and groaned in discomfort. The school came with in seeing distance for the young goddess and she frowned at its sight. In her 528 years she had never hated something as much as she hates school. The classes, the teachers, the students. All were horrible and she longed for the day she could be free of them.

Jackson loved school. He hated class, sure, but he was popular. Very popular. He attended parties and did all the socialising for the two of them. After all, goddesses have never liked mortals much.

She exited the car and ran through the rain, not bothering to wait for Jackson. Her hurried steps echoed through her ears, even though she knew no mortal could hear them. A smile sat on her face delicately, as she wanted to make a good impression.

The pair moved swiftly through the long hallways and manoeuvred through the students that lingered through the halls. Not wanting to attract attention Artemis tried to leave Jackson side before people started staring, but to no avail. Jackson arm snuck around her waist to keep her in her position. The students turned around from their spots and stared at Jackson. Meaning they had to stare at Artemis, after all of their was a girl attached to the cute new boys side, you had to look. I mean, all the girls wanted to date him and guys wanted to be his friends so they needed to know how to act towards her. It was always the same.

As they walked the saw another group of students moving though the hall. Standing at the end of the group, with her arm around a familiar boy, was Alice.Though she had only met Alice yesterday for a brief period of time, she set a smirk on her face. As the two girls passed each other they laughed, causing confusion for their male partners. A wink was sent in Alice's direction, and a brief smile in Artemis'.

Alice was lost in thought as they entered their classroom. She slipped in to a vision of bright colours and tinkling laughter. White roses decorated the woods and lights were strung between trees. It looked absolutely beautiful. The sight of an altar got rid of any doubt Alice had about it being a wedding.

Her first thoughts went to Jasper and Artemis. She scanned the vast area for the pair and found them sitting together, laughing and smiling at each other. Alice smiled, knowing that Artemis would make him feel whole. Feel loved. Feel accepted.

She then saw Artemis' friend step up to the altar as music begin to play. The doors to a house opened and out stepped the bride. Alice was more than shocked to find herself walking down the isle, her arm clinging to Carlisle's. This was her wedding. Her wedding with a man whose name she didn't even know.

Alice came back to reality and looked behind her as she passed through the doorway. Her possible future husband was nowhere to be seen.

Artemis sat in a classroom on the other side of the school. She honestly couldn't hate school more than she does now. On one side was a gorgeous blonde girl that goes by the name Rosalie. So far, Rosalie had been really kind to her. She had explained everything that Artemis didn't understand.

While Artemis simply thought she was being friendly, Rosalie knew otherwise. She hadn't liked Bella, but she couldn't help but like Artemis. She knew of her possible future with Jasper and she couldn't think of anyone better to love her brother. Artemis just had something about her, something Rosalie couldn't explain.

The bell rang and Artemis was out of class faster than Rosalie could move. She moved through the hallways with such speed you would think she was a vampire too. Artemis found Jackson and practically leapt on him.

" I hate school a lot "

She mumbled in to his chest. His chest rumbled and made Artemis smile as she hugged him. She had missed human contact over her many years.  Jackson was nice to hug. He was always warm, and he was tall enough to cover her entire body when he hugged her.

The two headed to their next class together. The rest of the day went by so quickly that she didn't even realise the links bell had gone. Jackson dragged her through the cafeteria to a small table filled with people.

" The names erik, and I am the eyes and ears of this place, anything you need, just come to me "

I smiled at him and looked at everyone else as they went around the table. They all seemed nice enough, though Jessica looked a little fake. The group that Artemis had seen earlier entered the cafeteria, catching her eye.

" Who are they? "

Artemis asked a pretty, Asian girl, called Angela.

" They're the Cullen's. They moved here from Alaska a few years ago, and they mainly keep to themselves. Probably because they are all together, like together together "

Jessica answered for Angela. Artemis scrunched her nose up, giving Jessica a questioning glance after her statement.

" Ok, so that's Rosalie, the pretty blonde one, and that's emmett. They're like a thing. I'm not even sure that legal "

Artemis eyebrows shot up to her forehead and a disbelieving laugh came from her throat. Rosalie was dating her foster brother? How odd. She couldn't deny that they were cute though.

" That's Alice, and that's her best friend Jasper "

Jessica was still talking but Artemis stopped paying attention long ago. That was him. The boy in her watercolour painting. The whispers filled her head with information about him but one word stood out.


Artemis stood from her spot at the table and ran out of the cafeteria, closely followed by Bella. Bella was a pretty, pale, brunette girl that was friends with the others. How Jackson had made so many friends in first period she would never know.

Despite the fact that one of her friends had followed her out, Rosalie felt the need to go and check if she was ok. She hurried down the steps, trying to catch up to Artemis. Artemis turned at the sound of footsteps and saw both Bella and Rosalie. The whispered filled her head again, and told her things she didn't want to know.


Rosalie was one too. She couldn't escape. She panicked, her breath became laboured. Vampires. She had a bad past with vampires. A dark, gruesome, lonely past.

Artemis hurried to the edge of the Forrest before disappearing on to the darkness of the trees. There was only one place she could go for advice.

Artemis // Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now