I look up for a split second, and my eyes are over powered by light. It had been dark for the time that I had my eyes covered, so now I’m blinded.

            I hear the handle begin to twist on the invisible white door, and I quickly hide my face in my legs once again.

            This is it, I think to myself.

            The creaks open, and I hear the heavy footsteps of the security guard coming in. Through the days that I have been here, the guard and I haven’t had a single conversation, but yet I still feel a deep guilt for what I am about to do.

            The guard clears his throat. “Are you ready?” he asks very professionally. I don’t answer. I only let a long silence drag out between us. “You have to come now, Ms. Imogene,” he tells me. The guard takes a few steps towards me. If only he could just walk a couple more feet, then I would be able to get a good punch on him. But I’ll have to work with this.

            I grip onto the knife, so it doesn’t slip out of my drenched with sweat hand. And with that I pounce. I’m not sure how I new where exactly he was, but I am able to jump right on him. Me jumping on him was enough power to push him over. I slash him in the side with the knife, but it doesn’t do much damage.

            He shoves me over, and hit my head on the bed behind me. I only see stars for a few moments, but then my vision clears and I notice that he is reaching for the small radio by his side. My eyes go wide, and I quickly jump back over to him. My hand forms a fist, and I punch him in the face. It makes a loud crack, so I know that I had done some damage. His head gets pushed back from the force of the punch, and he falls to the floor. 

            The guard reaches for the fallen gun by his side, but I kick it away from his reach. Even though he has a good one hundred pounds on me, I’m strong enough to hold him down.

            It’s now or never. I grip the knife in my hand.  But I’m not sure I have the will power to stab it in his chest. I only get seconds to decide if I’m a monster or a human.

            Human. I’m a human.

            With the handle of the knife, I hit it hard in his temple, and he falls unconscious. I get off of his limp body, and stand up. Just in case he wakes up, I take his radio and stomp on it, till it is in a couple pieces. I also remember to take the gun with me. I hold the knife in one hand and the gun in the other.

            With that I step through the invisible white door.

            Step two. Go to the exit, and get out of here. It wasn’t much of a plan. But it is better then nothing.

            I run down the white hallway and notice the black cameras filming everything I’m doing. I hadn’t noticed them before. Any second now someone will notices me walking down the hallway.

            I hear two voices coming down the hallway, so I dash into the nearest room, and pray to God that no one is in there. I slip into a small dark room. I flip on the lights, and find myself in a room filled with lab coats.


            I shuffle over to a rack that holds many white coats, and pick a relatively large one. I place the knife and gun in the pockets off the jacket. Putting my arms through the holes, I walk back towards the door. It has a small window that I can look out of, and I notice that there is no one in the hallway. I take this as an opportunity, and open up the door very, very slowly.

Nova VidaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora