His face redden by the amount of energy exerted to not laugh out loud and to keep his expression neutral. He had a feeling that he'd rather not annoy her further or they'll have hell to pay. He looked over at Troye, seeing that he was also suppressing a grin as he gestured to Mrs Alperstein standing in between them. Tyler shifted his weight from one leg to the other, trying to ease the slight uncomfort in his pants.

"Well, Mrs A. You used to be young once, I'm sure you'd understand the carnal urge in their rawest form. Don't you remember how your blood runs so hotly in your body, you just wanna do unthinkable things to your man?"

"I most certainly would not! I'll have you know that I have impeccable self respect and self restraint when I was your age. Men were flocking all over to me and I didn't even bat an eye. Youths are not to be wasted with meaningless booty calls."

"Mrs A! I'm mighty impressed that you know the term 'booty call'."

"Excuse me, young man. I'm not as old as I look. I'm still perfectly capable of knowing the slang of the youngsters. Being disciplined in my youth doesn't make me a crude old hag now."

"Well, if you'd like, my youth is yours. Let me fulfill your most filthy fantasy that you've never had a chance to participate in. I'm sure my man and I can reenact them flawlessly." He winked at Tyler and instantly saw Tyler's face flushed scarlet.

"How dare you try to imply-"

"What he was trying to say is that, you're right, ma'am. We should keep our private life, private. I apologize for our inexcusable behavior on behalf of both of us. It was entirely inappropriate of us." Tyler intercepted her before she imploded. "Oh, such a cute little pug. Doug, right?"

Mrs Alperstein sneered a look at Tyler before returning her attention to the closed elevator door in front of her. "Well, at least this one has proper manners to make up for the lack of self control. That's more than I could say for you, young man." She directed her last poisonous words towards Troye.

Just then, the elevator stopped on the seventh floor, just a floor below the loft and Mrs Alperstein strutted out when the door opened. She stopped and turned to face them, her face a picture of annoyance. "I'd expect you two to have a better grasp on respect now and I don't want to hear any noises that would disturb my sleep throughout the night." She'd managed to blurt it all out just before she disappeared behind the shutting elevator door.

The elevator hummed to life once again and as their eyes met, they both burst into a cackling mess, laughing at the ludicrous moment that they had with little ol' Mrs Alperstein.


The loft was everything Tyler had imagined it would be and more, from however short a time he had known Troye. The place screamed Troye; laid-back, unattached and the stretch of the tall window looking out the city that never sleeps was absolutely stunning. Tyler had chose to ignore the fact that he had just associated the word 'stunning' with this annoying little shmuck whom he'd very much like to just fuck and forget everything else exists. If he'd let himself continue his thought down that path, he's afraid that he'd start to see Troye differently. So, he stopped.

"How in the world have you managed to get a place with a view like this?" That have been the best way to distract himself from wandering to uncharted territory as well as uncovering the mystery of a street rat in a loft.

"Caspar." He heard Troye say nonchalantly, like his answer was supposed to make all the sense.

"How in the world did he managed to get a place with a view like this? Did you two conned someone into letting you stay here?"

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