My Girl

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in which Mckenzie's a sucker for a cold hearted lover

"No, no, no, no, no!" Mckenzie whined, in her bathroom, getting ready for school in the morning

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"No, no, no, no, no!" Mckenzie whined, in her bathroom, getting ready for school in the morning. "This cannot be happening."

"What's wrong?" Cole asked.

"I'm out of contacts!" She exclaimed. "And now I have to wear those." She shuddered, looking at her thick framed black glasses that are the stereotypical nerd glasses.

"Yeow." Cole said. "I haven't seen those since about sixth grade."

"And I was hoping it would stay that way." Mckenzie admitted. She hesitated to put them on, and cringed when she saw them on her in the mirror. "Cole Andrew Dwight, if you make one comment on these, I will make sure they are the last words you ever utter."

"Yes ma'am." Cole said saluting.

She sighed, grabbing her bag. "We have to go pick up Ethan and Benny." Mckenzie ran next door and started throwing rocks at Benny's window. "7 am!" She yelled.
He quickly came out of the front door.

"Morn-" He cut himself off when he noticed her glasses. "Nice-"

"Stop." She said cutting him off. "I ran out of contacts."

He chuckled at her, he wasn't going to be sarcastic to her. He thought they looked great on her. Then again, he thought everything looked great on her. These though, made her eyes look bigger, and more filled with wonder and curiosity, making him fall more in love with her every second.


"[f(x)=2x + 2, g(x)= (x)/2 + x^2]"

Mckenzie read off her paper. She was so frustrated that she didn't understand this, math usually came easy to her, but this was difficult. AP Calc is harder than she anticipated! Finally, Mckenzie snapped. Instead of using her powers like she usually would, before she knew what she was doing, she ripped her glasses off her face and snapped them in half. Her eyes widened at what she did, and she groaned again, for now she couldn't see a god damn thing. "What a perfect day." She mumbled to herself, getting up and trying to walk through the hallways without making a complete fool out of herself. Before she knew it, she collided with someone. "I-I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologized.

"My fault." He said, offering a hand to help Mckenzie up.

When Mckenzie looked up at him, even blurry, that boy was fine as top shelf wine.

"Woah." She whispered to herself, taking in all his features. His beautiful hazel eyes, his gorgeous dirty blonde hair, and his shining white teeth. Mckenzie quickly put the two broken halves of her glasses back together for a second, just to make sure this wasn't the blurry talking. He's even cuter when he's actually visible!

Voodoo Doll//Benny WeirWhere stories live. Discover now