chapter 10

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After putting on the bracelet and slipping on my shoes, i walked back into the living room.
"Kellin where are you going today?" my mother asked, without looking up from her book.
"Um, probably gonna go to Justin's. Maybe to the mall."
She just nodded and continued to read.
I slowly walked out of the house, and into the wet field. I probably shouldn't be doing this, but something was yelling at me to just do it. I haven't been back to the spot since i was 13. It just held too much memory and i couldn't stand it.
I walked at a pace that looked like i was avoiding going there at all. I sort of was.
I eventually made it just to the edge of the woods. I could see the spot from here. It was untouched. Vacant. I ducked in between and under branches to get all the way there.
When i made it there, i sat just the way i used to. I closed my eyes and pretended i was still 9, and Vic was still 10, sitting here next to me.
A tear fell from my eye, but i wiped it away quickly. Multiple tears were now falling. I loved Vic so much, and we were ripped apart so suddenly.
My thoughts were inturrupted when i heard the crunching of sticks on the distance.

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