TMI - Deleted Scene - Chase goes home confused

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This scene takes place right after Megan loses her job and finds Chase on her doorstep. 

Chase walked through Meg’s yard and hopped the fence to his place. Girls were so weird. One minute, you’re having a nice talk and the next, you’re wondering just what the hell you did to freak them out. Was there a class they took, a book they all passed around to keep guys on their toes? All he did was ask her what she wanted to do and Megan ran up to her room and slammed the door without a word. Didn’t know why that surprised him. First his parents, then Dylan, now Megan… he really needed to get a clue.

He let himself in through the garage and considered hammering another pile of nails into the block of wood he dedicated to the purpose of letting off some steam. But the boys were all in bed so he quietly headed upstairs to his room, relieved that no one was waiting for him.

He was talked out for the day.

In his room, he stripped for bed and cut the lights. Instead of closing his eyes, he grabbed a pair of binoculars and trained them on Meg’s room.

She was face down on her bed, sobbing. He could see her shoulders shaking.

He put down the binoculars and ran his hands through his hair. How the hell had he made such a mess out of everything he’d touched today? Where had things gone wrong? He’d respected the distance Megan was always careful to maintain around him. He only asked her a question and she’d flipped out.

Ass, he cursed himself and climbed into his bed. She’d just lost her job and all he’d done was carry on about his own problems. Well, he’d make up for that. He’d ask his dad to give Meg work. That would actually help them all out. He’d get to see a lot more of her.

That promise — and its possibilities — comforted him and he fell asleep. 

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