Case planning

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When Josh walked in I had an idea, but first I must talk to Him
" hey josh I have a bit of an idea" I said slowly,
" oh yeah what kind of idea" he replied
" well it's gonna help Abby and me , for me to get my big wings" I answered
"So?" He said slowly, his eyes were wide in wonder,
"So..? Oh right yeah um my idea is that we plan a case for Abby's farther to die soon or get sent to hell when he does die" I say in one breath,
" I say for him to die because he's going to go to hell anyway" he said back flatly,
" how do you know he will go to hell " I say with an arched eyebrow,
" OF CORSE HES GOING TO HELL" he spits and I jump back ,
" jeze no need to be so loud about it" I mumble looking down.
I walk out tired and in need of an amazing idea to convince god, the big man himself , the boss , the over rule-.....never mind  I needed..."BELLA" I shouted when I got in the door she was curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth , tears streaming down her rosy cheeks
"Hey hey hey sweetie what's wrong " I say as I sit down next to her,
" l-l-l-Lucy d-died " she wailed,
I put my arm around her shoulder
" aww sweetie tell saige what happened" I say in the most comforting voice I had ,
" this drunken man h-h-he came in he had dark hair and pale green eyes he started screaming stuff about Abby do you know an ...o.m.goodness are you Abby's Angel?" Asked with wide puffy eyes
" that I am , I am also trying to planing to send a case file to God to kill that man , he abuses Abby and killed your Lucy he swears on numerous accounts and brutally murdered and raped Abby's mum " I say I may or may not have done so sneaking around in the library,
" ok that's something we have to do but first I want to go see Lucy's room one more time" she said shakily as she stood up and walked out the door.
I sat there thinking about how I going to do this , what about I right this case and then mail it on the one day a week where your not aloud to mail to god , the one day a week he would be doing other stuff and if he gets mail he would be sure to read it! Ok then let's get this case started.....

I. Am. So . Tired
I already already hand written 20,00 words my hand was aching and my vision was blurry, ' I must keep writing' I said out loud to nobody,
Ok let's read over what we have
' hello god I know you busy but please take the time to read this letter,
I am Abby nickles guardian Angel , and no matter how much she rebelled and does bad stuff she gets worse put on her maybe in even to much , she is abused at home by her terrible father who swears and preformed three of the deadliest sins on a daily basis he performs wrath, gluttony and sloth in a terrible manner he murdered his wife
Then raped her he then abused Abby and does drugs , he also murdered another young child that was under the watch of Bella who will be getting her big wings in 1 week.'  OH MY GOODNESS, 1 week 1 WEEK until it's time for Bella and I to achieve the main goal I have had my heart set on ever since I floated my way up here.
something big is coming up Omg make sure to vote and comment only 7 more chapters after this .
Good byeeee love you!

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