Shift change

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And with that the whole I was looking through to watch Abby closed up "what!!?", Joe looked over  "it's shift change time, it's when another guardian angel comes and takes over for the night , you 2 have to work together to look after Abby"
"Oh ok sounds good" I say as I go to get up. When I walk over to the cloud door it opens and my friend Josh walks in, I like josh him and I have a lot in common, we both agree that vicky is rather mean and his eyes are an equally blue and big as mine but where I have long tangling brown hair his is blond and kept in a neat haircut.  

"Saige are you looking after Abby during the day?" He asks excitedly
" I sure am that means we get to work with each other right? " I say back happily.
"We sure do"
" wow what a coincidence" 
" yeah...."
" So josh, what are you thoughts on Abby?"
"I don't know, she's rebelling at the moment, but she has a heart of gold under the rust that her dad created, rust covers her body but only we can see it"
His beautiful words spoke true.
"anyway you get some rest see you tomorrow " Josh finished up.
I didn't fight and went straight to my cosy apartment near the cloud waterfalls. When I get inside I find Bella fast asleep, and as soon as my head hits the pillow I am out like a light. But it doesn't last long, in a few hours time I woke, a nagging feeling about Josh, he seemed off, to happy. Whats wrong with being happy? A small voice piped up, nothings wrong with being happy, just sappy happy, although...ughh I don't know.
Back to bed it is then. I tossed and turned until I got to a comfortable spot. I then slowly drifted off to a serene, deep, peaceful, sleep.

That night I dreamed, dreamed of the car crash, dreamed of random conversations I don't remember having. The first one went like this:
Man: where is she?
Woman: who?
Man: the child
Woman:let her Fend for herself,she will grow eventually and only then will you be able to access her power.

Then another dream were I was falling and not stopping there was no ground just constant falling.

Another conversation:
2cnd child: I can' I can't pull myself away
Child:you must please
2cnd child began to walk towards purple glow before dropping into a pit.

But the last one was the creepiest it was my grandma sitting on her porch,peacefully, but then black tendrils of shadow came and wrapped them around her, I could see the panic and fear radiating of her face, the was a muffled conversation. Then grandma teared her self away and muttered some words,light shone from her chest bursting through her body, she OpenDoc her eyes and light burst out, like her eyes were headlights, and her body was the car.

Those nightmares made tingles of cold rush down my spine, I couldn't help it anymore  I just had to sit, wait until the sun rises. I sipped some hot chocolate, the rooms were dark and quite, the only sound was the soothing rush of the waterfall. With every sip I took more thoughts rushed into my mind, but not frantically, just pondering, I seem to do that a lot now days, in a certain way it's sad, that's how I spend my time now, in my bowl of questions. The hot chocolate seeped down my throats and sending warmth around my body.

I needed to relax so u got up and headed for the door, my bare feet padded on the cold tiles.
Once I reached my destination I continued to sip on my hot chocolate. I looked up to the waterfall, the was an ever changing garden surrounding it, right now it was some shrubs with white flowers sprinkled over them. The flowers smelt of honey and the ocean.

A few hours passed and I felt calm inwardly, like the tsunami that was my thoughts, had died, all that was left was soft rolling waves. I walked home and fell back asleep for the remainder of time I had left which wasn't long.
There was no dreams.
No frantic tossing and turning.
Just peace.

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