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Tazza's POV

It was contentment day and to be honest, I was truly scared. If we lost the case, I would be too old before I could have children and the perfect family. The officers pushed me into the court room and the sight of my mom and brother made me melt slightly.

"Mr.Garcia may you present your case" The judge said and I let out a breath of air.

"I have done some digging with my son in order to put the RIGHT people in custody." He played a clip of the dance hall.

Me and Simon walked out there like we stated to the police, 15 minutes later 4 people walked in with Jerry cans, after 5 minutes the walked out leaving a trail of petrol they set it alight and watched the place burn down, you could hear the screams of Graham Jones and I turned to face his family to see them crying and his wife covering his sons ears. The people turned around and there faces were straight in the light.

"Miss.Anderson, can you name these people" Mr.Garcia said and he knew that I knew who they were.

"Denzel Cortez, Delilah Mahoney and Richmond Navas" I said in shock that Dee set me up like this.

"I rest my case" Mr. Garcia said and it seemed as if the judge and everyone else in court was shocked too.

"Data analysis will take place and results will come up shortly." The judge said and everyone started talking, the police officers removed me and Simon from the room and sat us in side a bulletproof case.


After twenty minutes of configuration, me and Simon were taken back into the courtroom. The judge took to the stand and my heart began to race, my leg tap against the floor and my eyes close as I aimed my sights towards the floor.

"The final justification and plead of Miss. Anderson and Mr. Minter is..."

Everything fell slow my breathing got heavy "Not guilty"

The tension in my muscles collapsed and I fell from the bench to the floor, I felt such a relief that I fell weak.

The officers helped me off of the floor and uncuffed me, I felt the tears drip down my face as the relief overwhelmed me. I opened my eyes and saw cheering around the courtroom and I couldn't help but smile. I turned to face Simon and he was on the verge of tears aswell, I walked over to him and grabbed his face.

"We done it okay, we're free" I said whilst crying and he nodded then wrapped his arms around me whilst letting his tears trickle over my shoulder.

We pulled apart and my goodness did I have a god there in front of me. Even if he was teary he was a beautifully created man.

I grabbed his face and pressed my lips against his and felt him kiss back, what was it about him that compelled me so much.

We pulled apart and I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes, I really felt something for this dork.

"MA!" I shouted then jumped into her arms and hugged her and Mikey.

"I love you guys so much" I said grabbing their faces.

"We love you too" my brother said and hugged me again.

I turned my attention to Nate and Mr.Garcia "thank you, thank you for saving me and Simon. He's so protective of me I reckon he's stay in there for life if we were wrongly sentenced, he'd attack everybody." I said and looked straight at Nate.

"I can see why, if me and my wife were in the same situation, I'd be just like him" he smiled.

"You really helped me out Mr.Garcia" I said with a half smile.

"Don't credit me I just presented what Nate told me" he said smirking.

"Thank you... Nate" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"No problem" he said barely looking at me.

"Well we're off, enjoy your freedom, If you need me just call" Mr.Garcia said then headed off with Nate.

"Thank you" I said then headed over to my mom.

I grabbed the flowers she bought then headed over to the Jones family.

"Mrs.Jones?" She turned around and I saw she had tears running down her face.

"I'm sorry for your family's loss, I knew Mr.Jones, he would always help me out when I went to dance there, he was a good man and didn't deserve that." She gave a faint smile.

"I'm sorry that he paid the price for the hatred that my old crew have for me, I truly am and it hurts to see you guys like this. I bought you these Tulips for his gravestone, I know it's not much but I knew they were his favourite" I said handing them to her.

"Thank you, these are beautiful..." She said admiring the flowers as her son and daughter clung to her.

"I'm sure that the judge is going to give them the right punishme-"

"I just want my husband back" she said cutting me off and startling me, causing me to fall silent.

"No punishment can bring back the father of my children" she said and burst out crying.

I threw my arms out and hugged her tightly, she hugged me back and let out her sobs into my shoulder. I pulled away from her then bent down to her son.

"Listen, little man" he was about 6 " you gotta look after her, protect her with your life, if she ask you to do something just do it, because nobody can replace your mother, you're the man of the house now, you gotta take responsibility" I said and he nodded.

"And you little missy, you gotta keep him in check alright? Make sure he keeps in line, show him who's boss" I said and winked at her causing her to giggle slightly.

I stood up to face Mrs.Jones again "thank you" she said wiping away her tears. I felt Simon come up behind me.

"If you need anything Mrs.Jones, just call and we'll be right there. If you need help with these two munchkins we'll help" Simon said taking the words straight out of my mouth and rubbing the heads of her children.

"You're Angels, I'm confused about how you were wrongly accused." She said with a smile.

I smiled back "It's a strange world, anything can happen"

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