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Constantine had just entered the Caffeine Embassy when he spotted Nathan waiting for him after the show that he had just realized he missed. Sighing, he walked over to him and pursed his lips. "I was held up at work. The afternoon meeting was much longer than expected and I had work to finish up by today." He explained the moment he sat down beside his good friend.

Nathan shook his head. "It's fine, you're just in time. Freya and her friends just left together and now I have nothing to do tonight."

Constantine chuckled. "So that's why you're here? You don't normally come here without me asking to meet you. In fact, you asked me to meet you." He said. "So now you know her secret talent, huh? She's sung here more than a couple of times."

Nathan cocked an eyebrow at him. "You've been there for all the times she's sang here?"

"Nope, only if I'm lucky to do so. If she's in the mood that day and it happens to be stage night, she will. If I'm caught up in something, I'll miss it like today." Constantine responded. "If she's here, I'll just support her like how my family's always done for her. She's like a sister, you do remember that, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. It just kind of bugs me that you know more about her than I do." Nathan admitted.

"In some ways." Constantine corrected. "Still not satisfied even after the first date?"

"Everett, it's coming to a month soon where I've truly known her and even though the first date was just yesterday, we've spent almost everyday together. It's most definitely not a normal relationship and it's progressing fairly quick but I'm more than okay with that because—"

"—you're in love with her, I get it, you don't have to force those words out of your mouth." Constantine joked. "Hell, even Valentine's Day is next week. Great that you know how you feel about her. When do you plan on telling her how you feel?"

"Not anytime soon. I want some more time for her to settle into being with me." Nathan sighed. "Look, the problem is, I want to get to know her more than what I know now."


Nathan narrowed his eyes at the older guy. "You mean like stalk? You're bad at advice, you do know that, right?"

Constantine rolled his eyes. "Observe. When you're with her, observe her; her habits, the topics she enjoys talking about, stuff like that. You know more than the basics of how she is, so this shouldn't be hard."

"How is it that a man like you doesn't want to settle down even after you thoroughly know how women are like?"

"That is exactly the point, Nate. Too predictable. I've been with all types of women and they just weren't my type."

"And you think a person who is exactly like you is? Like the girl you're 94.6% compatible with?" Nathan prompted.

"She'll be too much like me, I doubt it'll work." Constantine shook his head.

Nathan shook his head, disagreeing. "Oh no, if she's exactly like you, it'll work. You like to make things work, including relationships. You might have dated all kinds of women, but you had a lot effort put in to the point where they'd usually last three months or so... If she's exactly like you and puts in the same amount of effort, it will definitely work. Trust me, if you see your flaws in her, it'll change you both for the better. Oh man, that'll be interesting to watch if the both of you do get together." He comments, finishing up his cup of coffee. "Come now, how about a quick drive around and then I send you back?"

[ c a t n i p ]

Zaira giggled as Freya was telling a quick recount of how her and Nathan managed to start dating to Laurel and Emilia who were sipping drinks in Laurel's limousine. Freya still had no idea where they were headed as Zaira had personally told Laurel's driver the intended location but only that they were going karaoke. It was fine, of course, as long as it wasn't anything outrageous.

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