The Final Battle

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I ran into the hospital with Emma right behind me. Grumpy stood outside waiting to give the signal, Robin and his mary men were sitting at the entrance ready to fire, he gave me a sympathetic look I just ran past them

"Emma come on the spell" my mom said and Emma ran to the other side they put up a protection spell and I saw henry watching. I was about to loose my mind they finished the spell and my mom came over to me and put her arm around and me put her other arm around Henry

"My two beautiful childeren" She said

"Im sorry did I miss something" I said confused as hell

"Mom broke the curse" Henry said

"What the hell?" I said

"Watch your mouth" my mom said

"Mom im almost as old as you" I said and Henry laughed. I could here Snow screaming from in the waiting room which means shes in labor.

"SHES COMING" Grumpy yelled and it was time for action

"Henry go hide in a closet and lock yourself in there" my mom said and he did as he was told we heard the merry men grunt and that means they failed. Zelena came around the corner with Gold

"This ends now sis" My mom said and Zelena just rolled her eyes and threw my mom against the wall with her magic

"Mom" I yelled before I was thrown back against the wall behind me and my vision started to blurr. I went in and out of concousness before I saw Zelena and Gold walk out with a screaming baby. I could hear Snow screaming and crying. Emma came over to me and helped me up. My vision went back to normal and I got up.

"Are you ok?" She asked

"Ya, Im fine wheres everyone" I asked

" They went to go stop Zelena" Emma said

"Then lets go destroy my aunt" I said and Emma laughed lightly. I teleported us to the place where Zelena was gonna make the time portal we got there just in time.

" Stop" we all yelled running in

"You cant atop me, non of you have light magic" Zelena said and I looked at Emma who was looking st my dad who was looking at the ground.

"Mom, you have to do it. You have to defeat her" I said and Zelena laughed

"Sweety only light magic can defeat me" Zelena said

"Mom, you are good. You broke the curse, you found true love. You got your happy ending, now be the hero and destroy her" I said and my mom looked at me tears filling her eyes. She held up her hands and light magic appeared I smiled and Zelena looked shocked

"Lets end this" my mom said and blasted Zelena with her magic and just like that my mother defeated the Wicked Witch. She ripped the pendent off of Zelenas neck

"And now I get my revenge" Gold said as he pulled Zelena towards him with his magic against Zelenas pleading

"No! We dont do this anymore. Heros dont get revenge" my mom said holding the dark one dagger and I smiled widely

"So now your a hero" Zelena said as Charming pulled her up and put her hands behind her back

"Today I am" my mom said and pulled me under her arm and we walked out of barn happy.

~~~~~~~~ Later that night~~~~~~~~

I sat in Grannys with every my brother by my side and my mom and Robin across from us in the booth, Peter had pulled up a chair and was talking to Henry my Dad sitting with Emma in a booth with Snow, charming and their new baby

"Alright everyone can we have your attention. We've wanted to have this coronation for a very long time and we would like to nam our baby after a true hero, someone who risked his life to save everyones here. Welcome into the world Prince Neal" Snow said and I looked over to see Gold looking like he was gonna cry.

My mom was happy, my dad was happy, Snow and Charming were happy and everyone was happy. Life is made up of moments, good ones. Bad ones. But they're all worth living.

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