True Love Never Fails

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Its now the next morning and we were all sitting in grannys waiting for Emma to show up. Granny handed me a coffee and I thanked her. Emma walked through the door.

"Make it quick we open in 20 and nothing gets in the way of Leeroy and his bacon" Granny said and I silently giggled.

"So any sign of our quarry?" My father asked

" I went all over that farmhouse and around it, nothing" Emma said

" Now that the suns up we should hit every place that Gold might go. His house, shop,cabin" charming said

"Cuz dead men love vacation homes. Can someone explain to me how this is even possible, we all saw him die with Pan" Emma said and I coughed

"Sorry kid" Emma said.

"Obviously its all part of the witches plan bringing pan and Gold back. But why would she take Pans memories and not hold him captive too" I said

"She knows about who she knows who you are and who you love its all part of her plan" My mom said

"Ya but what would I have to do with it?" I asked

" well theres that fact that your Reginas daughter" Emma said and I shook my head.

"Ok so, how do we stop her because you wont let me give pan his memories back" I said in a harsh tone. And my father put his good hand over my mouth

"We start by finding out what she wants and how to get Gold back" Emma said

"Lets go then" Charming said and we all dispersed.

"Can I take her for the day" my mom said to my dad

"Aye, of course" He said before kissing my forehead and walking off

"Whats up?" I asked my mother

"First we need to put a protection spell on you, then Im going to need your heart then-" My mom started

"Wait whoa whoa, my heart?" I asked getting nervous. She teleported us to her house.

"We need to put it in a safe place so that Zelena cant get it" my mom said and I nodded. She reached into my chest and took my heart out. She grabbed my hand and made me hold it. It felt electrifying to the thing that keeps me alive in my hand. I squeezed it then realized I shouldn't have done that.

"Ahhh" I yelled and my mom turned around with a purple box in her hand.

"Whats wrong?" My mom asked worried taking my heart and putting it in the box

" I maybe may have squeezed it a little" I said groaning and laughing. My mom just laughed at me and waved her hand over the box and it disappeared.

" Now for the protection spell" She said and did this magic thing and then i started glowing this blue color and I guess that ment Im now invincible.

"Now we should teach you some magic. Its all about believing you can do it and using your happiness and anger as strength." My mom said

"Im angry at the fact that nobody seems to give a crap about my feelings, Im angry that nobody believes in me. But Im happy that I have a mom and dad who care so much about me" I said

"We do love you sweety, now use that to fuel your magic" She said

" Ok" I said and I believe and used my magic and suddenly the box with my heart was back in my hands.

" Your a natural" She said hugging me I hugged back

"Mom, we need to get Pans memories back. He can help us" I said my mom looked at me and nodded

"Ok, just dont tell anyone what your doing" My mom said and I smiled

"Thank you so much" I said and kissed her cheek quickly before going to look for Peter. I ran out of my moms house and thought really hard of where he might be. I ran into town and noticed him talking to Belle. I ran up to them

"Hey, hey whats going on" I said running out of breath

"Are you ok?" Belle asked

"Ya, Ive just been rinning around" I said and Peter tried holding me up.

"Um, Can I talk to you?" I asked Peter

"Um sure, It was lovely meeting you Belle" He said and shook her hand she smiled

"And the same to you Peter" Belle said before I walked away with him I walked until there was no one insight and I teleported us to the edge of the town

"What the heck?" He asked getting scared

"Listen your not gonna believe any of this but I need to try. Your name is Peter Pan. You grew up on Neverland and your mean, angry, and a horrible person. But that part of you changed when you met me a 4 year old girl screaming at the edge of the Island because her father just abandoned her. You took me in and raised me as your own. You taught me to fight, to outsmart anyone and everyone. But I lost you when I turned 10 a curse hit and swept me up in it. At the age of 17 I found my way back to you and you treated me like crap. But then we started talking and you took me in again. I thought I might have developed feelings for you but I pushed them away. I helped a family save their son even though that ment that I had to lose you. You did a very bad thing and put a curse on this town. Storybrooke then I watched you die. I screamed and cryed and I thought nothing was ever gonna be the same. Regina broke your curse and we were all sent back to where we belong. I was sent back to Neverland and I took over the island in your honor. Then my father came to get me and I realized a year had gone by he brought me to New York to help a women named Emma. In helping her you came back to me. But it broke my heart when I realized you have no idea who I am or the feelings you have for me. So Im begging you, please remember come back to me" I said tears pouring down my face and I fell to my knees.

"Im sorry I dont remember any of that." He said and I cried even more. He got down on his knees too and lifted my chin with his finger.

"Is there any other way to make me remember?" He asked and I thought he pulled me up to my feet in the process.

"True loves kiss but theres no garentee it will work" I said and he kissed me. I raised my eyebrows I couldnt believe what was happening. I felt him smirk and he pulled away.

"Im back" he said in his old cocky tone.

"Prove it" I said

"You left out in the story that I watched you sleep every night. You also left out the face that without Henrys heart I was to be dead" he said and I screamed before hugging him tightly.

"It worked" I said and he started coughing.

"Ya but now that Im back Im dying" he said as he fell to his knees. I teleported us and we were in my moms house again

"Mom" I screamed. She came running down the stairs as I put Peter in a chair

"Hes dying, he remembers but hes dying we need to help him" I said and she started searching

"Peter how do I save you" I said he looked at me

"The heart of the truest believer" He said and my mom interjected

"Your not taking my sons heart" she spoke with venom in her tone

"No, the person who believes in me the most is the truest believer, theres loopholes in this curse Im under." He said

"Mom get me my heart" I said and she refused

"Get me my heart or Ill get it myself"I screamed at her and suddenly my heart was in my hands. Peter looked at it before looking at me.

"Ive heard about this being done. If it doesnt work I know ill die trying to save you" I said before splitting my heart in half

"It works" I said before enchanting both halfs and pushing one half into Peter. He suddenly gasped and he went back to his state of health I pushed my half of my heart back inside my chest and took a deep breath.

"Your magic is way stronger than I ever thought" my mother said as she walked towards me and Peter

"True love never fails" he said looking up at me.

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