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I was shaken awake. I open my eyes to see Emma looking at me

"Good morning" She said trying to smile

"Morning" I said getting up and walking into the kitchen

"Um I dont know If you like coffee or hot coco" Emma tried

"Coffee,black Ill need all the caffeine I can get." I said and Emma nodded and made me a cup of coffee.

"thank you" I told her and she nodded. I checked the clocked to see it said 10:38. Henry walked down the stairs and my fsther was at the table. I whipped my head around the room looking for Peter.

"Where is he?" I asked

"He went back to his apartment to grab some clothes and shower" my father told me. I didnt even look at him. I remember every word Emma and my father said last night. Just then someone knocked on the door and Killian went to go get it.

"Alright so we cant all go in my bug" Emma said

"I have a license, I go in a car with my father, alone" I said and Emma nodded nervously then had a questioning look on her face.

"Um where is your licence and how are you gonna get a car?" Emma said. I smirked before waving my hand and a pair of keys and my license sat him my hand

"How did you?" Killian asked

"Magic" I said

" No i think he means how-" Emma

"I thought about my car and my license and here they are" I said and she nodded

"Ok well if everyones ready lets get going" Emma said and they all grabbed their bags and we walked out the door I walked to my car and unlocked it and my father and I got in.

"Ok well if everyones ready lets get going" Emma said and they all grabbed their bags and we walked out the door I walked to my car and unlocked it and my father and I got in

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I started the car and we drove down the road I followed Emmas yellow bug. Once we got about 20 minutes into the drive I started to talk

"When were you gonna tell me about my mother" I asked. I could see out of the corner of my eye him starting to panic

"What are you talking about your mother's-" he tried to explain

"Not dead. Shes not dead. Shes alive, I know who she is, this game your playing is over" I said my voice getting a little louder "Regina has always looked at me like she knows me like Im special to her, they day she found out that I was her daughter her face went pale I saw it" I said

"I was gonna tell you-" He tried again

"No you weren't I heard you talking to Emma last night. You were never gonna tell me. That makes you just as guilty as Regina. You both did the same exact thing to me. She gave me up at birth and you gave me up 4 years later and dont pull that I was trying to give you your best shot crap because I dont believe it" I said my hands grasping the wheel tighter. We stopped at a red light and I turned my head to look at his face. I saw nothing but pain and regret. The light turned green and I started driving again.

" Why did Regina give me up? " I asked with a quiet voice.

"Because she was marrying a King and he didnt know about you and she was scared" He spoke

"So why did you really give me up?" I asked

"I was scared, I couldnt be a father when I was drunk and stupid. I really did want a better life for you and that life wasnt with me, but Ive changed" He said

"You changed for Emma" I said and I could see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

"Me changing for Emma and seeing you again. Its given a whole new meaning to my life" He said

"Just do me a favor and stop talking. When we get to Storybrooke, pretend you dont know me" I said emotionless

"Aria-" He tried again

"Im serious" I said my tone getting angrier. And he stopped talking. I continued to drive my eyes on the road focusing on nothing else but the drive.

6 hours later

We made it to Storybrooke around 7:00 and I parked outside of Grannys behind Emmas car. Killian got out and started talking to Emma. Emma just looked at me sadly as i turned the car off. She then walked inside Grannys inn and left Killian with Henry and Peter. I got out of my car and locked it. Peter got out of the car and came over to me a I leaned against my car.

"Nice car" He said admiring my Bently

"Thanks" I said in a non enthusiastic tone.

"Are you ok?" He asked leaning against the car too

"Me and my father got into a fight and im now no longer speaking to him" I said and wipped my face with my hands

"No matter how bad the fight is, you cant blame him forever. I know what its like not to have parents and your lucky to have them" He said trying to reason with me. I just laughed and a tear escaped my eye

"If only you knew" I said and shivered. He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

"I dont know and If you choose to tell me thats your decision. But Im here if you need me" He said. I just looked in his eyes and could see the sincerity.

"My father lied to me about my mother. He told me she was dead but I found out last that shes alive. She gave me up at birth for another family and my father gave me up 4 years later. I had to fend for myself with the help of a great friend until I was 10. I was then placed with a family but they didnt give a crap about me either. 7 years later something happened and I was reunited with the friend from my past and we became closer then ever. Alot happened he passed away and I was alone. One year later I was doing great and I thought I was happy. My father came back into my life asking for help. We came to the Rescue of the person in need and then someone from my past showed up and I couldnt believe it. The thing that killed me most was that the person from my past has no idea who I really am" I said tears streaming down my face at this point.

"Im so sorry" He said

"The worst part, about all of this is that Ive met my mother too. Shes one of my friends and both my father and mother hid that face from me. Thats what the fight was about I confronted my father today and he tried to deny everything" I said and he just pulled me into a hug. He sat there with me and let me cry, he didnt understand who I really was or what was really going on but he was there for me when I needed him the most.

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