Big News

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I sat on Snows couch as painting my nails a pretty gold color as Snow and Charming sat reading baby books

"Did you know cradle cap is a thing" Snow said

"No" I said and blew on my wet nails

"Aparently its a yellow gelly substance that means the babys head is infected" Snow said

"Ew thats disgusting. We are never having kinds" I said to Peter and he agreed

"Your too young for kids" Charming said getting up to get a drink.

" I didnt mean now, or ever" I said and Peter laughed.

There was a knock on the door and charming jogged to the door to get it. Belle walked in so I figured out what Zelena is planning on doing. Shes gonna do a time travel spell. " Belle said

"Time travel has never been done before" Peter said

"Well shes gonna try" Belle said

"We must warn the others" Charming said before leaving to go tell everyone else.

"So on a scale from 1 to I could nrver be born. How bad is this" I asked

"Icthink you just answered your own question" he said and I got up off the couch wove my hand over the table and my belt with all my weapons appeared. I snapped my fingers and I was then wearing a grey tshirt, ripped skinny jeans my lace up boots and my belt of weapons my hair was up in a pony tail.

"Where are you going?" Snow said getti g up

"Im gonna go kill that women before she can enact her plans." I said and Peter pulled be back

"Are you insane you could get killed" Peter said

"Listen I have my magic, I have tons of weapons right here. Now im gonna go make that witch wish she never left Oz" I said disappearing. I reappeared at an old cottage house at least now I know where shes hiding. I started walking up to the house before I was grabbed and someone hand went over my mouth. I was pulled into the woods. I was turned around to be met by Swan and Charming

"Are you insane, you could have been killed" Emma said

"Why does everyone think Im not strong enough" I said getting angry

"We do think you are capable of defeating her but not on your own we all have to work as a team to do this" Charming said putting his hand on my shoulder

" If shes goes back, I might not even be born. Ive come too far. I just met my parents I cant lose them" I said

"She wont win. Evil never wins" Charming said and I nodded. Emmas phone rang and she picked up. She listened for a moment before a shocked look washed over her face.

"Shes got Reginas heart" Emma said

"Only one more ingredient to go" I said before disappearing into thin air. I reappear back at snows.

"Zelena has my moms heart" I said and snow came over and hugged me

"Oh honey it will be ok" Snow said and I pulled away.

"Ok so she has the heart, courage, and brains, now all she needs is your baby" I said looking down at snows stomach

"Thats what we need to focus on. making sure Zelena cant get that baby." Peter said and I nodded.

" We need a plan of action. Protection spells, weapons, anything and everything" I said

"Dont worry, we can do this" Peter said and I nodded.

"I have to go find my mom" I said before I ran downstairs I came to a hault when I saw my mom kissing a man wearing alot of green. I cleared my throat and they pulled apart

"Oh Aria, this is Robin Hood" my mom said and he held out his hand for me I declined his hand shake and just half smiled.

"I um, uh, I just wanted to see if you were ok, because Zelena has your heart. But you look pretty ok to me" I said and didnt know what to say.

"Im gonna go" I said as I walked out of the hallway and into Grannys. I sat at the counter and Red came over

"What can I get you?" She asked

"Um, a chocolate shake" I said and she nodded before going in the kitchen and making it for me

" Whats up with your face kid?" Emma said sitting next to me

" My mom has a boyfriend" I said and Emmas eyes widened. Red came over and handed me my shake

"Thanks Red" I said

"You wanna tell me whats keeping that pretty face from smiling?" Red asked

"My mom has a boyfriend" I said and Red kinda froze.

" Your shakes on the house" Red said and walked away. I laughed a bit before thanking her.

~~~~~~~~ 3 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~

"The babys coming" Grumpy yelled as he ran inside the diner. I jumped up I took one last huge gulp of my milkshake before running out the door and jumping in Emmas bug with her on our way to the hospital.

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