Awe, What A Cute Family!

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"Miss {Y-N}, can we go get some cheesecake?" Your little cousin Timothy asked and pointed to the cheesecake in the display of a bakery. "Cheesecake?" Francis asked with his eyebrow raised. Tim nodded and his baby blue eyes looked intently at the cake. "I suppose, I haven't had cheesecake in a long time." You said and Tim jumped up and down happily. Grabbing your hand he dragged you into the bakery. Going up to the counter Tim looked at the man behind the desk. "May I please have some cheesecake?" He asked and the man smiled. "Of course, what kind would you like?" Tim stroked his imaginary beard as you and Francis watched in amusement. "Just plain please." He said and the man went back and got a regular cheesecake. Placing it on the counter he winked at Tim. "Now, you gotta share with your mom and dad ok?" He said looking to you and Francis. Taking the cake as you paid Tim looked at Francis. "They aren't my mom and dad. She's my cousin and that's her boyfriend." He pointed out and the man chuckled. "I apologize." He said and handed back your change. "That's ok, I guess we do look like a family." You pointed out and Francis smiled while wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. Tim watched and made a face while grabbing your hand and pulling you out. "Let's go home, I wanna eat this."

"Why is there so many flowers?" Liu asked and you took the vase that was in his hands. "Because this is a flower shop." You told him and he rolled his eyes. "I get that." "Will you put those sunflowers in the window please?" You asked and he nodded before taking the flowers and placing them in the window. "Hey {Y-N}." Liu called from the front as you walked to the back. "Ivan's here." Popping your head out you smiled. "Hey Ivan." You cheerfully said and smiled wider as he kissed your forehead. "Hello sunshine, hello Liu." Walking to the back again you grabbed the watering can and came back out with it full of water. "I'm going to water the plants, will you please watch the shop for me Ivan?" You asked and he nodded. "Spasibo." You said before walking out. About ten minutes later you were back inside and seeing one of your favorite customers. "Hello Marianne." You greeted and she smiled. "Hello {Y-N}, I didn't know you had a child, does that mean you're finally married?" She asked and you blushed. "Haha, no. Ivan and I are still just dating. And the boy's name is Liu. I'm just watching him for my cousin. He's her son." She nodded her head. "I see, well you're still young and still have time. Don't rush things like that." She advised before buying some tulips.

"How does this look?" Your nephew Helen asked as he brought his painting to you. Smiling at how good it was you riddled his hair. "That looks amazing!" You said and put down your chalk. "Do you want to take it home?" You asked and he blushed. "C-Can Mr. Ludwig have it?" He asked and you awed. "I'm sure he would love it!" You said and got off of the bench you were sitting on. "I think he's over by the track so let's go find him." Walking across the park you found Ludwig running on the track. He saw you two and walked over. "Helen has something for you." You said and stepped behind the raven haired child. Holding the picture out Helen looked away in embarrassment. Ludwig kneeled down and took the painting with a small smile. "Danke Helen." You three heard a bunch of female awes coming from the side. "That family is so cute!" One said. "That husband is so good to the child and wife too." Another one pointed out. You and Ludwig looked at each other with a blush on your face. Helen snapped you out of your state by grabbing your hand and pulling you back to the bench.

You had offered to babysit your neighbor's child, Jack. While you were at your house with him Feliciano came over for a visit and suggested that the three of you take a walk around town. Jack seemed to like this idea so now the three of you were walking around and enjoying the beautiful day. "Can we go there?!" Jack suddenly asked with a smile as he pointed to a candy store. "I don't know Jack, can we?" You teased and he just rolled his eyes before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the store. The ring of a bell signaled your arrival and you looked around the store full of sugar as Jack went over to the lollipops on display. Feliciano held your hand with fingers intertwined and smiled at him. "He has-a so much energy." He noted and you nodded. "I know, sometimes I wonder how his parents deal with him without falling over exhausted." Watching Jack go around the candy store looking at all the different candy you smiled. "Jack, why don't you pick two candies that you want?" You suggested and his eyes lit up. "Really!" He asked to make sure he heard you right and you nodded. "Yes really." He ran up to you and Feliciano and gave you both a hug before running off and looking at the candy again. "That's quite the son you've got there." The old man at the front desk said with a smile. You blushed and embarrassedly chuckled. "He's not our son, I'm just babysitting him." You told the old man who just smiled. "I see, we'll, if you can handle all that energy now I'm sure you'll make a good mother and father in the future." Feliciano smiled at that thought and kissed your head. 'Someday in the future bella.'

"Come along Jack." You said and reached your hand out for him to grab. His right hand grabbed yours while his left one went into his black hoodie pocket. "What's here?" He asked and you smiled. "A lot, now come on... I'll show you some of the best food you'll ever have." Dragging Jack and Kiku around you bought Jack a box of gummy organs and some pocky for you and Kiku. "How are you liking your gummy organs?" You asked and smiled when he gave a thumbs up. As you three were walking around the convention a couple of girls approached you. "Excuse me, do you know where the Corpse Party booth is?" One of the girls asked and you pointed back the way you came. "Thank you! Is that your son?" She asked and you blushed. "N-No, I'm just babysitting him for a friend." "Oh, well he's adorable in his mask." She complimented and Jack touched his blue mask with a smile underneath.

Walking into Italy's restaurant Lovino glanced down at your friend's son. "How many?" The waitress asked and you told her three. Sitting at a booth you helped the little boy pick out what he wanted to eat. "Ciao fratello! Ciao {Y-N}!" Italy happily said. He suddenly looked over at Jeff who was sitting next to you. "Ve~ Fratello, I-a didn't know you-a had a bambino." Lovino blushed and you chuckled. "No Italy, this is my friend's son, Jeff. I'm babysitting him for her today." You explained and Italy nodded. "I-a see, so what can I-a get you-a three today?" He asked and wrote down what you ordered. Both of the brothers watched how you interacted with Jeff and it wasn't until Italy was done getting the order when he whispered into Lovino's ear. "{Y-N} farà una madre meravigliosa uno giorno." ({Y-N} will make a wonderful mother one day.) Lovino blushed and shooed the younger one away. "V-Vaffanculo!"

Pushing your niece on the swings you looked over at Antonio who was talking with his friends Prussia and France. "Can I call Antonio Uncle?" Jane asked causing you to choke on air. "What?" You asked to make sure you heard her right. "C-Can I call Antonio Uncle?" A gust of wind blew some of her black hair in her face making her spit it out. You hadn't even realized that Antonio had said goodbye and was standing behind her. "Do you want me to put your hair up?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes please." You watched as Antonio started to braid her hair. "Your husband is so good with your daughter!" A woman said as she came up behind you carrying an infant. "Oh, he's not my husband." You said. "He's my boyfriend and that's my niece." The woman nodded her head. "Ah, I see. I apologize for jumping to conclusions." She told you and you waved it off. "It's no problem." She said goodbye and walked away as Jane came up to you to show you her new hair style.

You held the hand of your neighbor's child, Brian, as you and Gilbert walked down the streets. Being shy, Brian pulled his orange hood up and clung close to you. "Hey Brian-" You were cut off by a female voice calling out your a,e. Spinning around you saw an old friend of yours from high school running towards you with arms open. Gilbert grabbed Brian just in time as Natalie crashed into you. "Oh my god {Y-N}! I haven't seen you since graduation and oh my god... You have a husband and child!" She got off of you and kneeed down to Brian's height. "Hey there!" She said with a smile as Gilbert helped you up. "Um Natalie?" "He's so shy and just adorable!" She said turning to you. "Natalie-" "And your husband is amazing! Look at that muscle, and his eyes are such a beautiful red-" "I'm not her husband." Gilbert interrupted and wrapped his arms around you. "But I am her awesome boyfriend." Natalia turned to you with wide eyes. "He's German!" he asked and Gilbert watched as you picked Brian up. "Prussian actually." He corrected and smiled as you kissed Brian's forehead. "And this is Brian, I'm babysitting him." You explained and Natalie frowned. "Awe, but you three would make such a cute family." She said pouting. Looking at her wrist she gasped and ran off saying that she had to get going while both you and Gilbert blushed.

If any of you got the names... You are awesome

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