Nobody was home when I arrived in a mess of tears. There was a bit of throw up on my collar and my throat burned from screaming on the way home.

Pushing my window open, I climbed inside not having the house key today. Emerysn had it because she was going to get here first due to a half day.


Images flashed through my thoughts, interrupting all my reasonable ideas.

Walking through my room, I screamed and pulled my gross shirt over my head, tossing it towards my hamper but I missed. I yanked my shoes off and threw them across the room, shattering a bowl I had made in the third grade.

Glancing over at the mirror I looked over all the bare skin I could see and fell to the floor with a heavy cry.

After a few minutes, I stood and finished undressing, tears staining my cheeks pink. Turning the shower on and avoiding the mirror, I stepped under the hot water and let the warmth wrap around me, washing away my tears.

My eyes stayed closed and I let every drop of water roll down my skin as I cried. I was unmoving, my mind running too fast for my body to catch-up.

Fog wrapped around my ankles and chills ran down my spine. The water felt thick like blood, and I began to choke on the air. Gasping, I pushed myself against the shower wall but my fingers hit cold stone.

Pulling my eyes open, I took a deep breath and looked around the bathroom. Everything was normal. I examined each and every one of my fingers, making sure they were all clear of anything.

My nightmares had been so consistent that they would fall onto me during the day time when I wasn't doing anything. It was like they were playing again, but they weren't.

The water stopped falling after I turned the shower off and jumped out and into the cool room air.

Pulling on some random clothes I grabbed from my drawers, water soaked into the shoulders from my hair and my body uncontrollably shook.

I took a seat on my bed and tried to calm my heart rate.

I caught a glance at the half read book, and let out a long breath. Grabbing the book, I pulled it open and searched for anything I could that could help me.


The sound of the knock on the front door made me want to hide under my covers and never climb out.

I didn't want to face the truth, I wasn't ready for Kacen's reaction.

All Thea knew, was that I didn't have a mark and nobody could know, not even my sister could know. It took her a while to understand, and even now I'm not so sure she gets it.

Turning the doorknob, I faced my friends, both wearing sad expressions, Kacens eyes filled with a curiosity like fire and Thea trying to stay behind in the back, not sure how to feel.

After they walked in, I locked the door behind them and brought them to my room.

We didn't speak as I paced back and forth trying to figure out the right words to say, and finally, I took a deep breath and stood infront of both of them.

"I think I'm a Blank."

"What?" Kacen looked amused, as if I was tossing a joke around the room, but then his smile vanished catching Thea's expression. He turned away from me, his fingers running through his light curls. "What is that again?"

"I don't have a mark. I wasn't born with one, and I never got one like some do." I tried to be patient so Kacen could let it sink in. I thought perhaps he would be calm seeing his first reaction, but when he turned and looked towards me, all I could feel was how furious he was.

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