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Every tick of the clock made my heart pound harder and harder against my ribcage. Watching the teacher with blurred vision, reminders of last night kept clouding my thoughts making it rather difficult to focus.

Everything Mr.Brollen said was muffled against my ears as if I was submerged under water and the hard cramps in my stomach weren't helping either.

A sudden thought fell into my mind and the pencil in my hand snapped in half from how hard I was holding it.

A few students glanced my way but didn't really bother to care what was going on.

Once everybody began to pack up, I did the same, ignoring the unfinished papers on my desk, I started shoving my books and folders into my already stuffed backpack as quickly as I could manage.

The bell rang and the whole class stood and rushed out of the classroom to lunch like they hadn't eaten in 12 years. "Blakely, may I talk to you please?" I froze in place, clutching my fist inside my sweater pocket.

"Sure," My voice cracked, my throat feeling dry and irritated. I turned to face my teacher and looked at the papers in his hand rather than his concern filled eyes and tapped my foot against the tile.

"Have you been doing alright? I was looking through your recent work and I couldn't help but notice the drop in...well everything. Is everything okay?"

My heart dropped into my stomach. A bile acid like taste rose from my throat as the vivid flashes from last night's dream consumed me. "Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom," Turning quickly and covering my mouth, I raced down the hall, shoving people over as I did so until I entered the nearest girls bathroom.

My backpack hit the wall and my knees hit the hard tiles in front of a toilet. My whole body shook as I threw up and then again. Gasping for air before my body forced me to throw up once again, heavy sobs broke from my lips and I clutched onto my stomach for dear life. "Please, please, please."

Getting a break in between my throw up session, I pressed my back against the stall wall and cried.


"Does he also have a big mark covering half his arm though?"

"I mean, he only posts pictures wearing long-sleeved shirts, so it's a major possibility that he could be my soulmate."

"I don't know, sounds sketchy to me. What do you think Blakely?"

"Blakely!" Shaking the thoughts as far as I could to the back of my mind, I looked over to my two best friends, Thea and Kacen.

"Hm?" My response made Thea quirk her eyebrows in confusion.

"What is going on with you? You usually love hearing about the boys I crush on?" Her words started moving away from me as I focused my eyes on the untouched plate of food in front of me. "Are you even listening?! Blake!"

"Sorry, I uh, just had a rough night. Didn't really sleep much, had a lot of homework," Passing my lies through a fake smile only seemed to make it worse.

"You haven't even touched the food on your plate," Kacen pointed out, obviously flustered that I'm not speaking.

"I'm fine!"

"Are you getting those nightmares again?" Kacen's question made it seem like time froze. The cold air rushed through my hair and chills ran down my spine.

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