Twenty Three

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Weeks passed and nothing changed. Harry and I were still sneaking around and Stephanie still had no clue it was me. She questioned me about Holly but I swerved that idea out of her head and told her i thought that Harry was a faithful man.

"Can you file these papers, darling?" Harry sat a stack of forms on my desk and winked. I looked down the hall toward Holly's desk and saw she was watching us.

"Don't wink at me Harry, are you crazy? Holly is watching us." I said in a low tone.

"Oh. Sorry." He laughed, not caring.


"I hate you."

"Sorry." I respond dryly.

"No, I think I really do, Harry. You don't care about me or my feelings, you're never home, and don't lie to me because I know there's another woman. You don't look at me the way you used to. And even then, it wasn't special. We haven't had sex in God knows how long. And you don't even ask how your child, whom may I remind you is growing inside me, is doing. You're a terrible person Harry, and you'd be a terrible father."

"Are you fücking kidding me right now? The only reason you live like the queen you think you are is because I bust my ass at work making sure you don't complain about anything. I have a job and a whole branch that I run on my own, that's why I'm never home. You're such an ungrateful woman, I give you everything, and you're having my child. I don't ask because I figure if you don't even tell me when ultra sounds are you don't want me to know how it's doing. Seriously, why have I never been invited to an ultra sound and you've been pregnant for three months now?"

"Wow, Harry. Just like I thought. You turn everything on me."

"You're doing the same to me, Steph. I hate yelling. And I hate fighting with you. But, God, you make me crazy."

"Fück you, Harry."

"I can't do this right now."

"Let me help you with that." She yelled again, I just wanted to cover my ears. I felt like a child again, getting scolded by mum and dad.

I just watched as she grabbed her keys and slammed the door behind her.

I immediately grabbed my phone, I just wanted to hear her voice.

"Harry?" My heart was again, full. I felt like I could breathe properly. Which was crazy because she's the one who took my breath away.

"Hi." I sighed.

"I miss you." Beverley whined.

"It's only been a few hours, sweetheart. But I understand what you mean. Are you still at the office?"

"Just finishing up a few things and then I'm going home."

"How about we go out tonight?"

"Like on a date?" I could hear the surprise in her voice.

The house phone started to ring.

"Yes, love. But give me a second the phones ringing."


"Hey, Harry. It's Cheryl, is Stephanie home?" Cheryl was Stephanie's friend from high school.

"You just missed her. I can tell her you called?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you guys had gotten my ultra sound pictures yet? She hasn't called or anything so I was making sure."

I practically choked.

"Your what?" I tried to keep my voice under wraps.

"My ultra sound pictures, you know, of the baby in my stomach?"

"When did you send those?"

"About a month ago. Are you okay, Harry? You sound like you're getting sick."

"I'm fine. We definitely received them. Stephanie should be back soon, call in a few hours." I hung up and immediately put my own phone to my ear.

"She fücking lied, Bev!"

"Whoa, who did?"

"Stephanie, oh my God." I leaned my elbows on the counter for support.

"About what, Harry? I have no clue what you're talking about."

"I'm pretty sure Stephanie's not pregnant. Her friend Cheryl just called to ask if we've received her ultrasound pictures that she sent a month ago."

"Harry you don't know that those weren't hers. Please talk to her first. We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves here."

"I'm so sick of talking to her. I just want to talk to you, love. I just want to care about you and nobody else." I sounded like a damn child but I didn't care, I loved this girl with all my heart.

"I know, Harry. I know. But you need to make sure. My moms home, I'll call you later about that date, in the mean time do some investigating. I love you, Harry."

"I love you."

I texted Stephanie, simply saying,

"I know everything, get home now."


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