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Stephanie is so damn frustrating. She wants everything from me and she wants everything to be perfect. She thinks we can live this perfect holier than thou life now just because I got a well paying job a year ago.

"Harry, I just don't understand why we can't spend a little bit of money to make our life better." She complains.

"Steph, our life is perfect. What is so horrifying about living in a gated community with nice neighbors."

"Our house only has one bedroom, Harry. All this space and only one room." Here we go again.

"Harry, you know how bad I want children."

"You know how much I don't. I'm already married to you, I already live with you." I argue.

"Why does that sound like it's something to be ashamed of?" Her face falls and I feel bad for being a dick. I just wasn't as happy as I was at the beginning.


"I don't want to talk about this anymore. You don't want a family with me, Harry. I get it." Tears fall freely from her eyes and I can't help but feel angry now, she's trying to make me the bad guy.

"No, you don't get to try and turn everything around on me, Steph, you do it all the time. I didn't say I don't want a family with you. I just don't like the thought of having one right now. We are stable and we are.." I hesitate, "...happy."

"We are neither of those things anymore, Harold. So maybe it's a good thing we don't bring a child into this world." She picks up her plate of food and walks up the stairs to eat alone in our room.


Just a small look into Harry and Stephanie's home life so you get a feel for what Harry is feeling.

It's important that you know that I probably won't have anything in Harry's point of view if its pertaining to Beverley anytime soon because it would give him away.

And if you're wondering how to pronounce her name its "Beverley".. bev-er-lee

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