Chapter 1

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Feel free to add songs to the playlist. Your song might inspire the next or following chapters. And I also like to explore music. We can all bond over music (:


Playlist : Monody - The Fat Rat

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I held an ice pack to my swollen temple. I fell off my broomstick after the god-forsaken bludger hit me hard during the game, which resulted in a concussion and a 2-inch cut on my temple. It is not the first time I took a blow to the head by a bludger. Today's injuries were considered minor.

Madame Pomfrey passed me a cup of thick purple liquid. "Drink up," she demanded. I bit back a gag as I forced the medicine down my throat. As the effects of the medicine began to take place, I felt heat radiating off my skin. My skin was glazed with sweat and my eyelids felt heavy. In a short amount of time, I slowly drifted off into oblivion and then to be awoken by a harsh jolt. I gasped. 

"What's wrong?" a high pitched, motherly voice asked. 

"Nothing. I just felt like falling down," I replied

"Ah... that feeling. It's annoying sometimes, isn't it?"


"Forget about it, clear your mind and rest. You'll need it."


I closed my eyes and slipped back into sleep. 

+ + +

I groaned to the repetitive sound of meowing and soft taps on my face. I opened my eyes and met dull green orbs that were staring back at me. My cat yawned and continued meowing. 

"I'm up. I'm up," I whispered to the cat. She jumped off me and sat at the foot of my bed, licking her lips. I walked to Madame Pomfrey's office, where supplies and some animal food are kept. Animals get hurt too. Shiloh trailed me to the office and back to the bed, where I set the bowl of cat food by the bed.  I pondered about whether I should go back to sleep or be a good student and get my arse to class. 

"Miss Calhoun! What do you think you're doing? You're still injured."

"The cat woke me up. Besides, I'm feeling much better compared to yesterday."

"You'll still need to get that cut treated and dressed. You were supposed to be discharged from the hospital this morning but you knocked out after taking the second dose of medicine."

"Oh? I took a second dose of medicine?"

"Yes. Now I'll patch up your wound and you can get some fresh air right after that but you need to come back here for another dose of medicine after dinner."

I nodded. I winced as she dressed and clean my wound. It stung like needles constantly poking my skin. I held back a painful cry. 

"Maeve!" A low masculine voice called. I looked past Madame Pomfrey to see a familiar face with soft, hazel curls and gorgeous forest-green eyes  sauntering towards me. My lips curved upwards. 

"Mr. Balgair, what can I help you with?" Madame Pomfrey asked while still tending to my wound. 

"Professor Weasley informed me that Marvel is getting released from is getting discharged from the hospital today. So I brought her some clothes to change and some chocolate," he said. Marvel is my given name but most people call me by my nickname, Maeve.

"Aww... How sweet," I cooed. 

He set the orange coloured bag beside me and waited, just waited. He had that cheeky grin spread across his handsome face the entire time. 

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