T W E N T Y - S I X | Faded

Start from the beginning

"What is the easiest way to get into BloodMoon Pack?" I spat on his face. He growled lifting me up by my hair and I knew what was going to happen.

Getting beat up it's. . .it's a bit like being in a car crash. The adrenalin, and the force of the hits, is like flying through the air. You feel like you can't control your limbs, and sometimes even like you are looking down on your own body, but with each fresh strike, you come back to the body with the pain. The adrenalin can make you feel acutely conscious of your own body, each punch or kick, you feel like you can sense each individual cell and blood vessel bruising or bursting, each nerve ending blasting out electric shocks and chemical responses. You can hear and feel your heart beating in your ears, and your vision becomes tunnelled. You see the face of your attacker as though you're viewing it through a telescope. They say after a while you get used to the pain. You don't.


I groaned opening my eyes after getting knocked unconscious for the third time in a row. I already supported a busted lip, a broken nose and an overall bruised face. Other than that, I also had many broken ribs. 

"Are you ready to tell me know?" I looked at the bastard in front of me with blurry vision. My wrists and ankles were completely burnt due to the silver and my wolf was growing weaker and weaker with each passing second. I just laughed. If that's what you can call it. It's was more like wheezing. He slapped me.

"Guess not." he turned to his members. "Guess, we'll have to do this without him". He smiled turning back towards me. 

"Now, I've heard the only way to gain your powers is by killing you and blending my blood with yours. Is that true?" He grabbed my chin make me face him. I didn't reply.

"I'm going say it is." he pushed me back.

"Alpha. May I speak?" a guy asked from a distance.

"You may" Mark turned around facing him.

"I know a way you can make Asher suffer without him being here." My vision was getting more blurred and I was fighting to stay conscious. 

"Well, what is it? Spit it out." Mark asked eagerly.

"A Mate can sense when his mate is touched physically." Mark stopped him. My blood froze.

"I see where you're heading. I've seen you waiting for this." He laughed. He motioned for the three boys to step forward. They did.

"You can have your fun but I have the right to go first" Mark turned back around stalking towards me while the men behind him discretely high-fived each other. I crawled back as far as I could away from him, until I hit the wall.

"Don't touch me" I gritted using all the energy that I had, tears burning my eyes.

"You know I can't do that honey" I gripped my hair pulling me forward making my scalp burn. He moved my hair away from my neck and looked down at my mark.

"I don't think we need this" within a second his claws elongated and dug into my mark. I let out a gut-wrenching scream trying to get out of his hold.

"I wouldn't do that. You'll just do more damage." he removed his claws before licking them.

"Sweet" he commented making me want to throw up. 

"You're disgusting" I said breathlessly. He hummed pulling me forward again.

"Now, where was I?" His hand ran down may face, down my neck and down my sides before he gripped my hips. I trashed in his hold but to no avail. My clothes were already torn but that wasn't enough for him. He grabbed the collar of my shirt ripping it down the middle, leaving me in nothing but my bra. Hot tears sprung to my eyes. I've never felt so helpless. I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to. But I didn't cry. I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. He began to un-buttoning my jeans but before he could completely pull them off, his body flew off mine. 

Another body sat on top of his, landing punch after punch on his face. Even through my blurred vision, I knew who it was. A pair of hands gripped my face making me face them. Brittany assessed my face before screaming to Asher.

"Alpha. We can deal with him later. Right now the Luna needs you" she yelled stopping Asher mid-punch. He stood on his feet making a b-line straight towards me. He landed on his knees cupping my face pulling me into his chest. I finally cried. I finally let loose.

"I am so sorry Lee. I'm so fucking sorry." he looked at the chains that had me tied up pulling pulling at them completely breaking them with his bare hands, which no doubt burnt them. He lifted me up placing me on his lap. He looked down at my battered body before turning back to Mark growling. I heard a commotion outside and figured the warriors were fighting the other rogues. The three men which were inside the room with us were already killed by a single warrior. Brittany gathered me in her arms holding me close, while we stared at Asher's back.

"You ready to see another one die?" Mark spat blood seeping out of his mouth. From the corner of my eye I saw Chance and Alec entering the room making a move towards them. Asher held up his hand stopping him.

"I've waited to damn long for this and his blood is going to be on my hands." he gritted. Mark laughed clapping his hands.

"You couldn't beat me then, so what makes you think you'll beat me now." Looking at Brittany I motioned for her to help me stand. They both ran towards each other trying to beat the other one down. The noise was hurting my head and I was going to fall any second. Yet, I held myself together. Asher had a few cuts but more damage was done to Mark. Asher stood above Mark's unconscious body for a second before turning around to walk back to me. The next thing happened so quickly that no one saw it. Nobody but me. At that moment it was as if time stopped and everything started to move in slow motion. Literally.

Mark was on his feet again pulling out a knife aiming it at Asher's neck. Seeing the knife I let out a horror-stricken yell before finally fading into the blackness.


I don't want to leave you guys on a sad note so here's a tale from my trip to Flamingo land on 14th July. So -ForeverDisney- and I were waiting in a line for a ride. So I said something to her (can't remember what) but she misheard it (like always). So she decided to say what she heard out loud. (cue the embarrassment).

Me: *Says something about the ride*

Her: You want to clutch balls?

Me: *Jaw drops as two guys from in front us turn around to stare at me*

Through out the entire line they discreetly still gave me looks. I was so embarrassed. Yet she didn't understand what that meant. A few minutes later she realised and started laughing. Idiot.

Other than that on the 13th July was my prom. It was a blast. The school booked a hotel a and it was amazing. The DJ was awesome and there were hardly any teachers there. It was amazing.

Till next time please...




Lots of Love - Me}

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