Bonding with Mr. Popularity

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Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I last updated, but being in the intensive studies program at my school, it's gotten a little stressful keeping up with homework, but I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads, comments, and adds (to reading lists) you guys have given me, it means a lot!  And what better way to show you wonderfully awesome people gratitude, but with a new update?! Don't forget to vote and comment, please and thank you (As Kim Possible would say :) )


" -and ended up going to the hospital to have them removed!"

My Slurpee bubbled in my mouth, threatening to splurt out as I tried my hardest to refrain from laughing at the hilarious story Zander had retold of his math teacher having to get Tacs removed from her butt last year, due to a rowdy student. I had been spending most of the time eating and listening to Zander's ridiculous stories and suprisingly found myself enjoying the time. We had visited a few other clothing outlets, where Zander had pretty much forced me to buy a bunch of uneeded clothes, before deciding to take a break and grab something to eat.

After somewhat succesfully swallowing down the remainder of my Slurpee I sighed, looking outside at the already setting sun. Man does time fly by.

"You ready to get outta here?"

 I turned towards Zander simply nodding my head before collecting my trash and following him out the restuarant's door. 

A comfortable silence fell among us as we walked with my bags in tow, heading towards the car, as I let my mind wander to the day's exhuasting events. I knew by the time I got home I would be dead beat and ready to hit the hay as soon as possible.

"Oh shit!"

Zander's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I found myself instantly looking aroud for what could be the cause of his sudden outburst, when my eyes landed on the two people that I despised the most. Jenna and Abby Kisoff. The twins.

A sense of dread washed over me as I watched Jenna's curly blonde head swivel and turn towards us, with narrowed eyes, before motioning to her sister, and not a minute later the two girls were headed towards us, with fake smiles no doubt plastered across their begrudgingly flawless complexions.

"Zander!" - Jenna shreiked excitedly -" What are you doing here?" 

I watched closely as Jenna's eyes flashed between me and Zander, knowing all too well that by "you" she really meant "us".

I saw Zander throw me a panicked look out the corner of my eye and suddenly shove the extra bags of clothes into my arms, almost making me topple over.

What the hell?

"Hey girls, what's up?"

Abby stepped forward, twirling a strand of her long red hair around one of her perfectly manicured fingers.

"Nothing much Zan, we just got done shopping at Victoria's Secret."

"Oh really?" -Zander smirked, his eyes traveling down toward the pink bags both girls were carrying with them- " Mind if I take a peek?"

A mental eww filled my head the very same moment the twins giggled and playfully hit both of Zander's toned arms.

" I thought you had a girlfriend!" Jenna exclaimed.

"Who Laura?" - Zander scrunched his nose-" She was just a fling."

For some reason the twins found this to be hilarious and immediately busted out into a fit of giggles. Jenna was the first to speak.

"Oh my gosh Zander! You're just too hilarious!" 

I watched as the blonde made her way over to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, before turning to glare at me.

"So, how come you're hanging around with her?"

Jenna's blue eye's immediately filled with disgust as she quickly gave me a once over, that had my fists clenching tightly together.


Both Jenna and Abby rolled their eyes, clearly just as about as impressed as I was by Zander's dumb charade.

 "Oh come on Zan,"- Abby nagged, making her way over to Zander's other side and resting a hand on his chest - " Just answer the question, you're not really hanging out with that girl, are you?"

Zander looked between the two girls.

"You mean Drew?"

The twins sighed "Yes!"

He laughed loudly, though I noticed a flash of nervousness cross his features.

"Oh, my mom forced me to take her out shopping since you know she doesn't get out much. Probably because she's always locked up in her stupid room doing homework or whatever people like her do."

 A slight pause filled the air before all three of them busted out laughing, making me feel humiliated and unwanted. 

 How could someone be so cruel? Zander had been an absolute gentleman the whole time we had been hanging out, but as soon as he saw someone he knew, I had become a complete embarrassment, and humiliating to be seen with. I realized that this was the exact reason why I never let my guard down, because people like him always ended up hurting me in the end.

Making sure to have a firm grip on the shopping bags, I quickly threw Zander a glare, and made my way toward the mall's front doors, but not without missing the look of pure regret and pleading that was in his eyes. Whatever.

"Wait, Drew hol-" but Jenna quickly cut him off.

"Come on Zan, she can just wait in the car or something. What is she going to do? Runaway? It's not like she really has a life."

" Jenna, I'm not -" But I was already out the building before I could hear his reply.

As soon as I walked out, I noticed it had gotten a little chilly and that it was dark out and decided to lightly jog to Zander's car, before stuffing all the bags in the trunk and stepping into to the warm car, thankful Zander had asked me to hold his keys for him when he had been holding all of our lunch. Thinking back to what had occured just moments ago, I couldn't help but to get angry all over again. 

"Come on Zan, she can just wait in the car or something. It's not like she really has a life anyways."

 That one statement had me getting angrier and angrier by the second, until I couldn't take it anymore.

I quickly unbuckled my passenger seat, and got out the car, making my way over to the drivers seat and buckling up. Fiddling with the radio, I flipped through a few stations before settling on one that was playing an old Paramore song, Decode.

"She can just wait in the car or something."

I chuckled humorlessly.

"We'll see about that."

And soon I was reeving the engine, leaving Zander and his two bimbos behind.

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