Goodbye to a Goodmorning

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I was so enveloped in my annoyance at Zander that I hadn't heard him calling out to me until a strong hand landed on my shoulder pulling me back. I gasped and then realizing who it was gave a rude huff and attempted to turn around, but Zander was much more stronger.

"Drew relax. I'm sorry okay? I wasn't thinking."

I continued to try and break free ignoring his frustrated pleas.

"Drew? Drew. Drew!"

I turned around viciously, silently asking the moon goddess to give me the strength not to beat the snot of the asshole. 

"What do you want?!"

Zander frowned at my harsh tone, but continued on.

"I was wondering if you needed a ride to school."

I grunted and crossed my arms.

"And would you mind telling me why in the world I would need a ride to school when I have two perfectly healthy legs that have been getting me to school for the past years?"

Zander sighed.

"I guess your right."

I looked up into his shining blue eyes confused.

"What do you mean?"

Zander grinned mischievously at me and stepped closer.

"I mean your right about having perfect legs." I blushed in embarrassment at his blunt statement as he took another step closer. "Which is all the more reason why you should get your long ass legs into my car right now, so you don't risk getting them all scared up."

We were now standing so close that I could see almost every fleck of blue in Zander's eyes. Zander smirked and lightly brushed his hand against my arm causing goose bumps to rise. Bastard.

I took a step back and glared hatefully into his beautiful eyes.

"No thanks, I'm sure me and my long legs will make it to school just fine." And with that I turned around and began to stalk off angrily down the sidewalk, but not without catching the murmur from a  deep masculine voice say,

" And good morning to you too."


A warm breeze flew by as I continued making my way down the sidewalk to school. Gazing at my watch, I knew there was no way I would be able to get there on time, but I continued on. There was no way I was going to call Zander to ask for a ride, he was just too...annoying and the way he looked me, as if I were the new hot chic at school, disturbed me. Who knew that by changing your look you could change the way people looked at you.

I was suddenly interrupted by my thoughts when I heard the loud Vroom! of an engine nearby and a chorus of whoops and cat calls. I turned to my left to see a group of Seniors, that looked vaguely familiar, all piled in an expensive looking car. I looked behind to see who they were calling to and then blushed when I realized that they were making cat calls at me.

Tugging down my dress, I began to walk faster. Never again! I thought to myself.

The group of guys continued to follow me, cruising down the road, still whistling and commenting. I tried my best to ignore them and sighed with relief when I saw them speed up faster down the road leaving me behind.  I was just about to loosen my grip on my backpack when I notice the dudes' car park on the far side of the road and of all them get out of the car. I froze in panic and fear as they all made their way towards me chuckling, eyes looking at my figure hungrily, and then the realization hit.

It was March ,which meant that Mating season would be closing soon, and that it was the most dangerous time for unmated she-wolves to be out and about without a trusted male. I squeaked in alarm as the guys approached, their footsteps becoming louder and louder.

Pulling out my cell phone, I quickly dashed to the right and began to run towards the nearby woods. Dialing the number, I put the phone to my ear praying that the person would pick up.


I breathed a sigh of relief.  "Zander! Thank the moon!"


I raised my left arm, while holding the phone tightly to my ear, bracing myself for the scratches of twigs and branches the woods would no doubt inflict on me. Wolf howls filled the air. Crap they shifted!

Zander must've heard the howls, because his voice started to get a panicked edge to it.

" Drew, where the hell are you?"

I felt my lip quiver and bit down hard to stop myself from showing any sign of weakness.

"I don't- I don't know! I was just walking and then they just came- and, and- now they're chasing m-me- and I-I'm just so scared! Zander please you've got to help me!"

The sound of an engine boomed from the phone followed by a stream of profanities.

"Drew I need you to stay on the phone. I'm going to try and track down your scent. I'll be there soon. But whatever you do, do not go in the woods. They'll shift and that'll just make you an easier target."

I gulped and whispered. "Too late."


"I'm coming now." he growled.

Being careful not hang up, I quickly put my phone in my book-bag's pocket. Surging my body forward I pumped my legs faster and faster willing myself not to get caught. I heard the purr of a car about two miles away and prayed that it was Zander.

Quickly looking back I noticed that the dudes-er wolves were catching up to me.

Dodging tree braches and hopping over giant rocks, I fought with all of my will to keep going, but my energy was waning out. I was headed for a break in the woods when my sandal got caught on a stone and I came crashing down.

Oh no.

I tried to get up before they came, but I was too late. Because as soon as I came to a stand I noticed five giant sized Silver Lycan wolves surrounding me.

So much for a good morning.

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