Nice to meet you...again

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Hey guys! Here's a new chapter hope you enjoy!


Putting my defenses up

Cuz I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that

I think I'd have a heart attack

-Demi Lovato, Heart Attack

It seemed that thinking about my secret had made me famished and impatient and so after gobbling up my breakfast I stealthily slid out of my seat and walked up to the sink to wash off my already licked clean dishes. I was just about to sashay my way out the door when I heard Aunt Kelly call for me.

"Drew can you go over to the boys' place and tell Zander he needs to leave now, before he's late to school...again?"

I froze in shock. She wasn't really asking me to go over Zander's place was she? But when I turned around to see Aunt Kelly's smooth porcelain doll like face framed with blonde curls, I noticed that almost every inch on her heart shaped face showed that she was in fact not joking.

Taking a deep breathe and pulling on my best Oscar worthy smile I pulled on my silver sandals.

"Yeah, sure Aunt Kelly I don't mind at all." I cringed at how unconvincing my voice was, but if Aunt Kelly noticed she didn't say anything, instead her face instantly lit up with a smile.

" Thanks Drew, you're a lifes-."

But I was already out the door before she could finish. Why I was so nervous to go see Zander was beyond me, but I just couldn't calm down the nerves that bubbled up within my stomach.

Latching my hand tightly onto my tote bag I stepped out into the warm sunshine and made my way towards the back of the house. Pushing the small iron gate back, I made my way to the mini mansion pool house. Walking up the stone steps I quickly forced myself to knock on the door before I chickened out and ran for the hills. Trying to distract myself from the nerves I took a quick look at the exterior of the place and I had to say I'd be lying if I didn't say John hadn't done an amazing job. The once small shabby house was now so upscale and fabulous you could hardly call it a house, more like a miniature version of the mansion we lived in now.

I was so struck with awe of the house that I hadn't noticed the door had been pulled open until a deep masculine voice interrupted my daze.


I jumped in shock and turned to see a beautiful blue eyed guy chuckling (probably at my reaction) in the doorway.


Before I knew what I was doing my eyes traveled down his shirtless tan body appreciatively. It seemed that he'd probably just came back from a morning run because he was wearing athletic shorts and his body was covered in a sheen sheet of sweat (which I might add was making him totally drool worthy). How anyone could be this good-looking, I couldn't fathom. He looked like a supermodel!

Guiding my eyes back up to his face I noticed a playful smirk occupying his lips.

"See something you like?" he asked cockily, wagging his eyebrows.

I blushed embarrassed, and it was then that I realized why I was so nervous to come here. Zander was just like every other guy that went to my high school, or at least that's what people said. He was said to flatter girls, make them feel like they were the most beautiful thing of their time, and then hump and dump them, leaving them crying helplessly as he moved onto another girl. Harsh accusations, I know, but maybe I'd have ignored the rumors if I hadn't witness the many girls that Zander snuck into the pool house late at night when most everyone in the house was sleeping. I wasn't saying that I was nervous that I'd be his next victim, trust me, all the bullying I received from at school had that idea thoroughly crushed, I was just afraid to see him because I didn't want to have to beat his sorry ass for being such a player.

Suddenly a new surge of confidence and determination overcame me. Crossing my arms over my chest, I quickly gave Zander the once over and bit my lip.

"Nah, I've seen much better."

Zander's grin just grew more pronounced as his eyes followed suit and scanned my body.

"Too bad I haven't."

Once again a blush crept up onto my cheeks and I quickly looked down averting my gaze from his gorgeous ocean blue eyes and brown tousled hair.

The sound of a throat clear caused me to look back up to a shy smiling Zander.

Raking a broad tan hand through his hair he widen the door space.

"Wanna come in?"

Immediately I felt my neck warm up and ducked my head in attempt to cover up the blush I knew was already there and I had to ball up my fist to keep from slapping that cocky smirk from his mouth.

"No thanks, Aunt Kelly just wanted me to stop by to tell you to hurry up and get ready so you won't be late to school ...again."

Zander looked at me confused.

"Aunt Kelly? You mean my mom?"

I nodded my head, confused as to why he was confused.

"Um yeah."

Zander scrunched up his nose.

"How do you know my mom?"

My jaw dropped in shock. What did he mean "How did I know his mom"? I've been living with the dude, well kind of, for seven years! Heck I even had dinner with him last night! Why the hell was he acting like he didn't know me?

"I-uh live with you Zander. Well not here but-." My voice trailed off as I gave Zander a weird look.

Zander stared at me hard as if trying to figure out something and then his eyes widen in shock as the realization hit.


"Well duh."

He shook his head as if trying to make sense of something that was insensible.

What the hell?

Zander's eyes scanned over me, this time more slowly, his eyes staring wide.

"Dam Drew you look...different."

"Different?" I stared incredulously at him. "Different how?"

Zander blushed and looked down. "I just, I don't know, the dress, the hair..." his voiced trailed off.

I looked down at my white, short sleeved, lace, mid-thigh dress and immediately regretted wearing it. I had wanted to look a little dolled up today, and I admit the outfit was definitely different from my normal sweatpants, graphic- tee, messy bun, no make-up, and converse routine, but the dress called too much attention. I was almost positive now that the she-wolves at my school would tease and taunt me even more today for attempting to look nicer.

Slowly coming out of my trance I noticed that Zander was still rambling on.

"- and well, you actually look pretty attractive today."

My heart slammed against my chest at the insult. What was he trying to say, that I looked ugly all the other days? Quickly masking my hurt face, I glared at Zander menacingly.

"Go screw yourself."

And with that I stormed out the pool house wanting to so badly kick someone's ass. Preferably someone with blue eyes, brown wavy hair, and a cocky ass grin.


So what do you think? Please comment and tell all!! Love you all dearests!!

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