My Hero?

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Hey guys! I know its been quite awhile since I last updated, but I wanted this chapter to be a little bit longer and I have a butt load of homework for a summer project . Please don't hate me! Lol:) anyways hope you guys enjoy! hugs and rainbows xD


I stood in...fear.

My veins pumped with adrenaline, my body breaking out into a cold sweat. Their bright yellow eyes gleaming with hunger and lust.

Oh moon, why had I been so stupid?!

There was probably no way Zander would come in time, and by the time he did come, it would be too late and I would be in an emotional turmoil.

I looked on, eyes wide in fear, as one of the wolves stepped forward.

His admittedly gorgeous black fur swished back and forth from the breeze that blew by as he came closer towards me.

Tiny vibrations shook throughout his massive body and before I knew it a grudgingly good looking dark haired guy was standing in front of me. Oh and did I mention he was stark naked? 

I yelped in fright and covered my mouth with one shaking hand as the guy slowly came creeping towards me.

"W-what do you want?"

The man smirked obviously amused by my fear. I silently chastised myself. If I was going to be able to get out of here unharmed I was going to have to act tough.

Getting up out of my crouch, I slowly stood up to my full 5'9 tall figure and bravely looked into the man's eyes.

He smirked, but I could tell he was angry by the way his jaw tensed up, which confirmed my suspicions that he was an alpha.

Taking another step closer, he casually strolled towards me as if he wasn't naked. Ugh! If there was one thing I didn't understand about the werewolf world it was the comfortability with walking around naked. Did they not understand that it wasn't normal?!

I shuddered and glared at him. He came to a stop and chuckled.

"No need for the cold glare babe, it would be a bad idea to get me upset."

I stared back at him incredulously.

"First of all I'm not your babe,"- I spat the word hatefully-" and second of all I'll stare at whoever the crap I want to because last time I checked you don't own me!"

He laughed.

"Feisty aren't you?"

I glared and looked pointedly at the ground. "Go to hell."

He snapped. Apparently my little comment had pushed the limits of the alpha inside of him and had now made him furious. His once deep brown eyes were now a bright and glowing amber color showing just how angry he was. Uncontrollable growls vibrated from his lips as he crouched down in a ready attack position, hunger and lust filled in his eyes. The other wolves quickly backed off a few distance knowing that I was clearly going to be taken advantage of by their alpha due to my disrespectful behavior.

I closed my eyes sucked in a deep breath and screamed, but was quickly cut off, when a whoosh sounded nearby and my body was slammed down into the ground harshly. I cried out in pain.

A loud SMACK! sounded from above as I tried with all my strength to push myself up off the ground,, but unfortunately failed.

I couldn't help the tears from pouring when a stabbing pain filled the palms of my hands and rib cage, feeling as if a thousand knives where trying to cut their way out of my skin. I lied on the ground helplessly, the outside world seeming to fade more and more as the hot heat from the pain of possinly broken bones enveloped me. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore.

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