Chapter Four- The Money Maker

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Dominic's POV

'So Frankie set this one up then?' I asked. Frankie was Izzy's dad, I always remember him being around. He was the most involved in our work because he -like my dad- had a soft spot for Zadie. Her mum and him had been friends growing up, so I guess that's where it comes from. 

I'm older than the others, and I remember one time I was having a bitch-fit for no reason. I remember her coming threw the hall way of their old flat with Zadie on her hip. We were always in Zadie's accommodation's. She picked me up and said 'Crying gets you no where sweetheart,' and took us to the park. Next, she got me an ice cream with extra sprinkles. Since then, I've only ever cried in physical pain.

'Yeah, this guy needs to be taken down a few pegs according to him,' Zadie responded.

'Who's Frankie?' Tristan asked. 

'Izzy's dad,' I said

'You all know each others' dad's then?'

'Yeah, we were all raised together. Anton employed our dads' when they were young,'

'And Anton is?'

'My dad,' Zadie finished.

I noticed the James guy was being well quiet. 

'You alright James?' I asked

'What? Yeah, fine, just daydreaming,' he said and went back to looking out of the window.

We pulled up on an industrial estate and caught sight of Frankie playing with his wedding ring. As we got out, I grabbed The Money Maker from the side compartment. Zadie's shoes clicked on the bumpy ground.

'Where is he?' she said, her voice flat.

Frankie nodded over towards a block, before smiling at us. Then he saw Tristan and James. 'New recruits?' he asked me.

'Nah,' I said

We walked into the block with Frankie on our tail. The noise from Zadie's shoes reflected of the ground and an old guy with bloodshot eyes turned.

Stupid crackhead.

Rule number one, is that you never ever ever do anything you deal. It was outlawed for a reason.

I swaggered up to him and punched his stomach, causing him to double over. This douche had a massive interest, putting his total up to £3600.

Stupid crackhead.

We had tried chasing him for weeks and had now had enough. That's why I brought out The Money Maker.

'Pay up moron,' I hissed. Tristan and James had held back.

'Respect your elders,dumb yute,' he smiled an ugly yellow tooth smile. Zadie grabbed The Money Maker and pointed it toward his balls.

'A girl?' he laughed. Zadie never bothered with the chases. She just wanted straight up results.

Without saying anything, Zadie pointed The Money Maker at his left foot, and shot. He collapsed to the floor, yelping in pain. I punched him again. Zadie clicked over and we mugged the money 

Frankie smirked. I counted out £600 and handed it to him. I gave Zadie £600 and took a further £600 for myself. Then I put the rest away and pelted a text to Owen as we climbed in the car.

Dom: £600 each xD

Nerdy: very nice :)

Dom: wbu

Nerdy: well...

I frowned. 'Owen bitched out,'

Zadie sighed.

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