Chapter Three- Normal

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Zadie's POV

'That'll be £10, please,' said the pizza guy.

'Shut up,' I slammed the door in his face. Yay, free pizza. We were hungry and I couldn't be bothered to cook. Also I can't cook. I walked back into the fort with the boxes. I sat next to Tristan. There was something about him that made me feel so comfortable around him, even thought I've only known him for a day.

'So...' said Brad.

'Why don't we watch a movie?' suggested James, looking pretty nervous. Maybe he felt bad because he was the one who asked about my mum.

'Which one's do you have Zadie?' Connor asked

'Fast 6?' I said, because I fucking loved that movie

'Sounds good,'

We put it on and munched the pizza. It felt warm and comforting, bit like Tristan's arm.

Wait what.

Well, Tristan was a very good looking guy, with his hair and eyes and smile and cheekbones and face in general, but now wasn't a good time to fall in love. If was ever a good time to fall in love. Sometimes it was just better to have a few friends and dedicate yourself to work and money. You know, get rich or die trying and that. And being in a relationship wasn't exactly trying to get rich, was it? I guess that's what all the Barbies do though.

I felt my eyelids droop. I had a lot of shit to do tomorrow, and thought I should maybe get some rest. I knocked out, and fell into a heavy, dreamless sleep.

James's POV

I woke up early and disorientated. Once I got my bearings. I decided to get a glass of water to sooth my sore throat, and found Zadie in the kitchen.

I felt awful about asking about her mum. Maybe I should ask if there was anything I could do. 

It was only 8 and already Zadie looked like she was about to go out. She was sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of Lucky Charms.

'Morning,' she smiled.

'Morning,' I poured myself a glass. Everyone else was still asleep, so I thought this as a perfect opportunity to talk to her. 'How much was the pizza last night? I want to pay,' I said as I slipped in next to her.

'I didn't pay for it,' she replied, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

'What do you mean?'

'I mean just that. I took the pizza, and shut the door. Keep up, James,' This stunned me.

'So we ate stolen pizzas'?'


'How do you do it?' I was determined to find out more about Zadie.

'Do what?'

'Break the law? Like it's a normality?'

'Well, define normal,' she hit me with that one.

'Umm...' I racked my brains, but when I gave it some thought, I really couldn't.

'Exactly. Everyone has a different normal. So much so, I don't think normal should exist,'

'You've lost me,'

'To me, eating stolen pizzas' is normal. My dad would do it all the time. To you, paying for pizzas' is normal, because your parent's would pay for them, right?'


'So normal is basically what you're raised around. And abnormal is what you're not. Agreed?'

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