chapter 2

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The next morning, Amy was up before anyone else, cursed with the natural reaction of a pregnant woman... Morning sickness. Robbie was still asleep, but he winced slightly as he heard a horrible noise, knowing it had to be Amy. After it was over, she brushed her teeth and got dressed for the day. She went and curled back up on her 'nest' even though dressed. Robbie got himself ready for the day once he was ready enough.

Gemma was giving herself a bowl of cereal. She saw her mother was already gone, possibly to work. When she saw her father had trouble getting out of bed, she woke him up and offered to make him breakfast if he wanted, but reminded him that she was going to see Rosie today with Amy and Robbie. Amy sat at the kitchen table, having had breakfast made by Robbie's sister. She had planned to make it, but Kate had said that she had already been doing it.

"Now, now, let me do it..." Kate smiled to Amy and her brother as she got to work.

Amy pouted but let Kate do it. Andy was napping for now, as he would probably have work later. The kids woke up eventually and started to chase each other around the house.

"Oh, please, no running!" Kate told her kids.

Amy watched, them and hummed quietly. She was in a rather 'bright' outfit today, compared to what she usually wore. Gemma came to Robbie and Amy once they were ready to visit their favorite sweet little old lady.

"Can't wait to see Rosie." Amy beamed.

"Neither can I," Robbie agreed. "So, Gemma, how's your Latin class going, can you speak dead language yet?"

Gemma rolled her eyes as they went on their way. "Teacher thinks I stare at him during lectures."

Amy sat in the back, nibbling on the end of a pen as she was thinking of the note she was writing to Billy.

Robbie then took them over to Rosie's house. "Well, do you?" he then asked Gemma.

"I do not!" Gemma defended, then looked away, blushing slightly. "That often..."

Robbie chuckled. "You remind me of a waitress I talked with the other night at the wedding, she seemed upset, so I talked with her for a minute."

Amy giggled. "Ooh, better hope Linda doesn't find out~" she teased.

"Very funny..." Robbie rolled his eyes to the girl in the back-seat.

Gemma then looked out the window until they made it to the woman's house.

Once they did, Gemma got herself out of the car, then looked into Amy's window in the back. "Need some help?"

"Please." Amy said, preparing to get out of the car.

Gemma then opened the door and offered help for her friend. Robbie waited for the two girls, but greeted Rosie once she came out to see him first. Amy got out with Gemma's help.

Gemma carefully helped Amy out. "Ah, there we go."

Amy put her hand on her baby bump. "Soon I'll be so big I'll need to sit in the front of the car." she chuckled.

"Okay, but that's the only time you can ride shotgun." Gemma smirked, both serious and playful.

Amy chuckled. She then walked with Gemma towards Rosie and Robbie.

"Hello, Robbie." Rosie smiled.

"Hello there," Robbie smiled back. "You've been expecting us?" he then asked a joke since she was already out and about.

"I was waiting for you." Rosie smiled happily.

Robbie chuckled. "Hope you don't mind that I brought two 'hostages'."

Gemma, Amy, and the Wedding SingerWhere stories live. Discover now