chapter 5

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Sammy came back upstairs after a little while. Amy was in the middle of a stretch, and glanced at Sammy.

"I think he's gonna come, I tried to perk him up, there's gonna be lots of drunk chicks at this wedding." Sammy smiled rather sleazily.

Amy stuck her tongue out at him. "You womanizer." she half-huffed.

"Don't be jealous, maybe someday you'll meet someone as cool as me." Sammy smiled smugly.

"Already met him." Amy retorted easily, with a smirk.

"Hmph, well, I'm out, see ya around." Sammy nodded to her and then took his leave after speaking with his closest friend.

"See ya." Amy called after him, before continuing her compulsory yoga.

Sammy nodded and then took his leave. Gemma's fingertips rattled on top of her desk as she was in class with her fellow classmates/students, she was very anxious to leave today since she was also worried about Robbie. After her yoga, and going to look after Robbie, then Gemma finishing Amy was waiting for the girl to arrive. She was nibbling on ginger and chocolate cream cheese on toast.

Robbie emerged from the basement eventually. "That's an interesting delicassy..." he commented on Amy's food choices, mostly likely brought on by cravings.

Gemma was given her homework back and was now on her way to visit the Hart home where she was a frequent guest due to being a close friend of Amy's and a babysitter for Kate's kids.

"Want to try a bite, is good." Amy smiled, holding the piece out so he could have a bite if he wanted.

"Let me try that..." Robbie chuckled lightly as he took the piece to try it and smacked his lips. "It's very... Interesting..."

Amy smiled, but snaffled it back. "You want me to make you your own piece?" She asked him.

"Oh, no, thank you, you can have that all to yourself." Robbie smiled halfway.

Amy put it down a moment. She hugged him. Robbie was surprised by the hug, but let her hold on.

Gemma came to the front door and knocked on it. "Special Delivery!"

"Don't want what you're selling!" Amy retorted, still hugging Robbie.

"Aw, fiddle faddle!" Gemma groaned. "Well, I tried."

Robbie lightly chuckled. "Door's open, Gem!"

"Thank you!" Gemma called back before opening the door and coming in. "Relax, at least I'm not a Jehovah's Witness."

Amy looked at Gemma and gave a small giggle.

"Well, I got my homework back." Gemma said.

"How'd you do?" Robbie asked.

"Let's find out, shall we?" Gemma smirked to Amy.

Amy nodded. Robbie then sat down with Amy on the couch.

Gemma sat in the chair and dug into her bag to take out her homework assignments. "Let's see... Art, English, Math, Science, U.S. History, Latin..."

Amy waited calmly and gave a smile, waiting.

"What'd your Latin teacher say to you this time?" Robbie asked.

"He's been awfully quiet lately, he said he was going to miss us all very much by the end of the year." Gemma replied softly and a little worried, Latin was her favorite after all due to her crush on the instructor who she found adorably irresistible.

"What's he doing?" Amy asked, gently.

"I was honestly half-listening..." Gemma pouted.

Robbie hid a small chuckle.

Gemma, Amy, and the Wedding SingerWhere stories live. Discover now