70. Michael's Surprise

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"Michael you didn't need to do this." I tell him as he leads me into Never Land. He's been my close friend since age 4 and I wouldn't change anything about it. I just graduated high school and Michael insisted on throwing my party. And at Never Land too!

"I want to though Y/N. You deserve it!" He says and I finally see everything set up. Everyone I know is there and I can't believe it.

"Are you serious!?!?"I practically jump into his arms giving him a hug.

"Your welcome Y/N. Now go enjoy yourself. There's another surprise for you later."Michael winked.

I walk up to some of my friends and we all dance to the music while everyone else is talking. People come up to congratulate me a lot and I thank them. We then eat the amazing food Michael's chefs prepared for everyone. I still can't believe Michael has done all of this. He still hasn't showed me the other surprise. I hope he will after We're done eating.

"Hey Y/N come with me." Michael says and I was obviously correct because I had just finished eating.

He leads me over to the stage that was set up outside.

"What is this?" I ask him.

"I would like you to meet my friend." He walks behind the stage bringing out someone I thought I'd never meet,"This is David Bowie."

"Oh my gosh."I say starstruck,"It's so good to meet you."

I shake his hand.

"He'll be performing after everyone is done eating. I thought you'd like that." Michael says.

"I love that! Thank you so much!"I hug Michael again and he laughs.

"And thank you for being here to perform." I thank David.

"Not a problem." He says and Michael leads him back to where he's getting ready.

I walk back over to my friends a huge smile still plastered on my face.

"You will not believe what Michael did for me." I whisper yelled.

"Y/N we're ready!" Michael calls over to me.

Everyone gets up out of their seats and go over to the stage. Then my dreams came true. David Bowie walked out and started performing my all time favorite song. 'This can't be happening.' I keep thinking to myself.

"Thank you Michael." I say once again giving him another hug.

I am so sorry for not updating. I've been either super lazy or really busy. If you haven't yet please please go read my FanFictions!

They're called

'Horizon' & 'Last Words'

I would really appreciate it!

I would really appreciate it!

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