69. Would You Rather

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"Okay. Let's see." Michael thinks,"Would you rather eat a live baby mouse or 10 dead flies?"

"Ew!!! Your sick!" I shove him and he almost falls off the couch. We were watching a movie and it got a bit boring so we started playing would you rather. I never knew Michael could get so disgusting. 

"I guess if I had to choose it would be the baby mouse." I tell him.

"Really?" Michael asks surprised.

"Yeah. I mean wouldn't it just be like eating a big jelly bean? And flies would stick to your throat and that's just nasty. What would you do?" 

"Flies. Duh. You go now." He says.

"Alright. Gun to your head, would you rather punch me or kick me?" 

"Wow." he says,"I would punch you like this." 

Michael softly punches me in the arm. 

"Ow!!!" I fake cry and he laughs at me. Then he leans in to kiss me.

"I love you." I say to him.

"I love you too." Michael said back,"I just can't believe you would eat a live baby mouse."

I push him again this time he actually does fall off the couch.

"Ow!!!" Michael cries.

"Oh my gosh are you okay??" I put my head over the couch and then Michael pulls me down on top of him.

"Now I am." Michael says kissing me again.


Short little filler. I'm working on a request so that will be the next update.

And what would you rather do? Eat the baby mouse or the 10 flies?

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