Today is the day

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It's the day. Today is the day. I can't believe the concert is today. I've waited for this day for months on end and it's finally here. I have been to concerts before but it's my favourite band that I'm going to see and I can't wait a single second longer. 7 months ago I bought the tickets and I've had a countdown on my phone from the day I bought them.

"Are you ready" I hear my best friends from downstairs call. "Nearly give me a second" I answer. I through on my panic at the disco top and some ripped jeans. I almost fall down the stairs with excitement and I was running so fast ,faster than I've ever ran.

"I'm so excited we are going to actually see Brendon urie right in front of us" my friend Maya says. "I know I hope he sings northern downpour, but let's be honest I don't think that is going to happen" my other friend Amelia says with a slight sigh at the realisation that that would never happen. "Well let's go we want to be first in line".

We hop into the car with grace driving. We leave early in the morning even though the show is in the evening so we can look around the town and be the first in line.

"Shall we put on some music?" Amelia says. As soon as she said that I plug in my phone and blast out the ballad of Mona Lisa because it is probably my favourite song ever. "Say what you mean tell me I'm right and let the sun rain down on me..." We all sing at the top of our lungs with pure joy and excitement. "WOAH WOAH OH MONA LISA..." We shout even louder and we see people in other cars looking and laughing at us but we don't care we are having a great time.

"The show hasn't even started and my throat already hurts" I explain with a slight cough as the song comes to an end. What songs going to be next I wonder. "You can set yourself on fire" I hear as the new song plays"CRAZY=GENIUS " we scream at once.

About 2 hours later and about 300 songs later we arrive in the town where the show is. The sun is shinning and it's actually hot even though it's November I guess there's a first for everything.

"It's only about a 10 minute drive from here so do you want to park at the venue or here and we can go around?" Maya asks. "Do you want to just go straight to the venue because we are way later than we thought we would be and just line up?" I suggest. "That sounds good."

We drive for a further 10 minutes and the grand building appears from around the corner. It's huge and looks fit for a king. We all look in awe at the beautiful building. "This place is amazing" Amelia explains. "I feel like I'm not meant to be here because it's so posh." We all laugh at Maya's comment

We park about a 2 minute walk away from the venue. As we walk up to the grand building we see a massive banner that says 'Panic! at the disco tonight!' And a huge picture of Brendon doing a backflip fills one side of the entrance door. We are close to the inside but we still end up outside.

"I hope the weather stays this nice because if it rains we have nowhere to cover us." I explain while examining the sky and realise there is a big dark grey cloud coming straight towards us. "Well that doesn't look too good does it?" Maya says with a sarcastic tone while pointing at the dark cloud.

"We should have a few hours before we get drenched maybe we will be inside before it hits us." Amelia says with hope in her eyes, she  is very smart and understands basically everything, especially science I don't understand how from looking at a cloud she knows exactly how long it will take for it to come to us and she knows how heavy it will rain and I find it hard to even realise which way the wind is going.

"Well we better get comfy we are going to be here for a long time." I say.


Hi so this is my first ever story so I hope you like it.
In this story basically all the band members are single and the girls are 26 years old just to let you know.
Sorry if it's a bit boring I'm just getting used to writing stories.

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