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Did he just say that, did Brendon urie just say I was beautiful? What just happened? I don't believe it.
"Th-Thank you" I manage to stutter out as he walks on to the next lot of fans. I just simply stand their with my mouth wide open and a huge grin tugging at my lips. Amelia and Maya both copy my expression and we just stare at each other in disbelief.
Until Dani breaks the silence.

"HE JUST SAID YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!" Still standing with her mouth open wide. "HAZEL BRENDON FRICKING URIE JUST SAID YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!" She says and all as one we start jumping around like little children.
I am so happy I never even thought he would notice me and now he just called me beautiful this day has already been the best of my life.

"What do you think that means?" I ask while still jumping.
"I don't know maybe he thinks you are beautiful or maybe he just decided to say it because why not, WHAT DO YOU THINK IT MEANS HAZEL HE LIKES YOU!" Maya shouts while smiling.

We calm down and take a seat because people start to give us funny looks. We eat our pizza and talk about what just happened until the band start coming back to go inside. The screams start again and we stand up to see them start to run and high five the fans on the way.

Brendon is the last and all the band members just smile and run past but when Brendon runs by with a cheeky grin he winks at me and places a tiny note in my hand as he touches my hand.
I look in disbelief. What does it say? What if it's his number or something?

I turn to my friends and show them what he gave me. They all quietly screamed and walked closer to me to see what it was.
I slowly opened it trying not to rip it while doing so. The hand writing was neat and easy to read it said:
'Meet me backstage after the show don't worry Zack knows you are coming so he will let you in.
Lots of love Brendon'

How is this happening? I don't believe what I'm seeing. We all turn to each other and try to look cool but that is very hard after what just happened.
"Okay so he definitely likes you." Maya says.
"Is he even aloud to do that? What is he going to do? Why does he want to see me? I don't believe it." I say in return.

We sit and talk about everything that could happen and how exciting it all was.

The line started to move after another three hour of waiting. The show is meant to start in an hour so they are probably getting people in. We are fully dry now and are ready to go.

The line moves pretty quick and in less than five minutes we are at the entrance and the security are all checking for our tickets. We show them ours and we walk in still buzzing with excitement. It was only a short walk to get to the room where the concert was being held.
We step into the wonder land of tall pillars and golden ivy climbing all the way up. The room was magical perfect for a formal event or even a wedding.
The lights already started to dance along the floor and the back drop stated 'Panic! at the disco' in bold writing.

We were pretty close to the front of the mosh pit, close enough to get a great view of the whole stage. We decided to stand as close to the front as we can and in the middle.

"I can't wait until they one on!" Amelia says through a huge smile.
"I've been waiting for this day for so long and it's already been amazing." I add. The lights continue to dance as more people fill in until the entire room is packed.
Everyone waiting eagerly for panic to arrive. Some people are shouting and screaming and others are just standing frozen with anticipation.

The lights turn off and the start of Vegas lights starts playing. The whole room erupts and start counting along. "10,9,8,7..." We all chant as one. "3,2,1!" As we all shout one the lights switch back on and the band start to play. Brendon in his gold blazer jumping around with us. This is what dreams are made of. It was perfect everything about it was perfect; the song, the band, the atmosphere, everyone singing along but most of all Brendon. I have always had a huge crush on him and knowing that he has noticed me makes my heart feel fuzzy and warm.

As the concert went on it just got better and better. Brendon did his all famous backflip during miss Jackson and everyone joined him to sing I write sins not tragedies. Best day of my life and it's only going to get better.

Far too young to dieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя