Give me one last kiss

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(Brendon's perspective)

Zack's driving and we haven't seen a car in ages since we got on the motorway, I guess it's nearly 5 in the morning so why would anyone be out.? The only car I can see is a small silver one that looks like the car Hazel, Maya and Amelia had.

We drive closer behind them and I see who is inside. Its them! They see us and they all turn around including Maya who was driving. I start to wave but then suddenly their car turns and starts to flip over.
I scream at the sight as they fall down the ditch. Zack stops the bus next to them and he runs out the door.

"What's happening?" Dallon asks as I run past him to get outside as fast as possible. Everyone follows me out of curiosity. I run towards the car and see the damage that has been done.

They were upside down with blood over all of them. I could see Amelia moving, trying to escape and Zack goes to help her.
Everyone gasps at the sight and we all run to try and help. Kenny calls for an ambulance, Dallon calls the airport to tell them that we will be very late and everyone else goes to get the girls out the car.

I go straight to Hazel and realise she is unconscious and drenched in her own blood. I kick the window so it brakes and try to get her seatbelt off so I can pull her out. I manage to get her out of her seatbelt but not out the car because to get her out I would need to drag her through sharp metal and broken glass.

"SOMEONE HELP!" I scream in a desperate attempt to save her. Both the other girls are out. Amelia is awake and Maya is unconscious but the car landed on the side Hazel was sitting on, so I don't know if she will be alright.

With the help of Dan I pull her out and realise she isn't breathing.
"SOMEONE HELP SHE ISNT BREATHING!" Nearly everyone runs to me to help. I put my head on her chest to see if her heart is working. Luckily it is. I feel the tears start to run down my cheeks at the thought of her dying in my arms.
I hold her tight into my chest as I cry. Dan pulls her from me to try and get her to breath. I hold her hand for support but she wouldn't even know.

"It's not working!" Dan says looking at me. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT WORKING!" I look him right in the eye.
"Sh-she isn't breathing, she should be breathing by now!" He says looking terrified. I decide to try myself, so I hold her nose and cover her mouth with mine and blow into her mouth.

I put my ear to her mouth to see if it worked and I hear nothing, so I try again. I start to hear faint sounds of sirens which makes me feel a lot better. When I put my ear to her mouth I hear her breathing.
"SHES BREATHING!" I shout with happiness.

She is still unconscious but she is breathing that's all that matters right now. I pull her up into my chest and squeeze her tight.

The ambulance drive next to us and jump out. They put Maya and Amelia on beds and carry them into the ambulance. Then they come over to me and Hazel.
"Excuse me sir we need to take the girl." A man that looks slightly older than me says wearing a luminous jacket.

I gently kiss her on the top of her head and let them put her on the bed. She's safe I keep telling my self but it doesn't stop me from crying. I sit in a puddle of blood crying about a girl I didn't even know at the start of the day. What has this girl done to me?

"Sir would you like to come with us in the ambulance?" The same man asks. I stand up and walk over to the ambulance with Hazel in. I jump up and sit on a chair next to her bed. I hold her hand tight and never let go until we arrive at the hospital.

Suddenly everyone gets up and runs out the back of the ambulance with Hazel. We charge into the hospital and people look in terror at the sight of Hazel. She has cut down he whole body and her face is swollen, but she is still beautiful to me.
We arrive at the operating theatre and they stop me at the door.

"I'm sorry but you can't come in." A elderly women says to me pushing me back. I decide to not argue and I wait in the waiting room. People give me weird looks maybe it's because I'm covered in blood and my clothes and ripped, I mean it makes sense. Then a girl that looks like her arm is broken looks at me and gets really excited.
I'm guessing she is a fan which I'm usually happy to see but not now because I'm a mess.

I think she realises that I don't want to talk to anyone right now because she turns back around. An elderly lady sitting next to me taps me on the shoulder. I turn to her and she starts to talk to me.

"Are you alright son?" She seems very nice and caring.
"I'm okay I mean I'm not injured, it's just my friend is in the operating theatre." I respond.
"Oh no my dear what happened?" She asks turning to face me more.

"They were in a car crash and she stopped breathing." I say feeling the tears fall again. I put my hands on my head and put my head down. The woman pats my head gently.
"I'm sure they will be alright my dear." Her words actually helped.

I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep on my lap until I feel someone tapping my shoulder.
"She's awake." A doctor tells me. I jump out my seat and run straight to her bed.

As I enter I see the hundreds of tubes traveling into her body and a bag above her bed filled with a transparent liquid. I run to her side and put her hand in mine.

"Hazel can you hear me?"

"What happened?"she asks.

I am on holiday so I can't update for a while I will write as soon as I get back sorry.

Far too young to dieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu