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You ran out the door and all the way to the train station with tears in your eyes. You got the first train you could get. But it wouldn't be here until another hour. You went to the bathroom and got a stall and cried.


•Akaashi's POV•

I saw (F/N) run out. I pushed the girl off of me and ran towards her but I was too late and saw the front door slam. "Keiji, why do you need her? I can give you all you need." she whispered in my ear. I pushed her off and ran to (F/N).


I lost her in the crowd of people but I knew where she was going. I went there but couldn't find her. Till I saw her enter the bathroom. I couldn't go in there so I waited for her to exit.


It's been hours and she hasn't come out. I left at one point to go to the bathroom myself and get a snack but did she really leave then? Well, then I'll get a train there.


I heard the last one just left. That's the one she probably went on. The next one wasn't till morning. So I had to wait till then.


Once I got home I found out my dad had sent the girl home. "Who was that? I didn't know you brought a girl home!"

"It's just someone from school."

"You bring a new girl home everyday! When are you gonna settle on one! What happened to that girl you liked?"

"You remember that girl you brought here? That is my old girlfriend. She went to the hospital and got bullied and beat up because of me. She's better off without me."

"Son, don't say that. If she thought that too she wouldn't've come here."

Realization hit me. That's true.

"True. Well I got a train in the morning to see her."


•Normal POV•

You ran all the way home still crying and grabbed some pills. You ran to the bathroom and Kotaro of course heard all the commotion and woke up. He saw you shut the door to the bathroom and lock it. He could hear you crying.

"(F/N), what's wrong?"

"N-nothing ju-just go a-a-away!"

You had some pills in your hand.

"K-Kotaro....I'm so-rry....I l-love you s-o much bu-t I ca-can't anym-ore. Goodb-bye forever."

He banged on the door telling you to stop.

You took the pills and put them in your mouth.

'Goodbye world.....

Goodbye Kotaro....

Goodbye Keiji..'

Bokuto's sister(Akaashi X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن