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A couple hours later Akaashi finished practice and was a bit scared he hadn't heard from you. He went to your house and was going to wait till you were done with work but he didn't know you were already home. Kotaro had gone out to get some things for you so you could heal up. You heard the doorbell and went to the door without thinking that Akaashi might be there.

"Who is- Keiji?"

He hugged you tightly. "You went home without saying a word to me and I got scared. What happened to you?"

"It's nothing. I tripped while trying to rush to work. I was running late because a teacher wanted to talk to me so I didn't say goodbye. Sorry."

He let go of you. "Don't lie to me, please. I know that falling down some stairs wouldn't have done this. You've got bruises everywhere and your face is swollen. Not to mention your black eye."

You carefully touched your black and and started to cry. "I-I said it no-nothing so leave m-me alone, p-please, Akaa-shi." You then closed the door but he stopped it. "Please, (F/N), talk to me! I'm worried about you! Please! I love you!"

"You probably don't, just out of pity." you mumbled, loud enough for Akaashi to hear it. He was shocked you would say something like this. Sure, just like your brother you would go all emo but this wasn't like you. This caught him off guard which allowed you to close the door. Akaashi eventually left.

The girls watched all of this happen and not long after Akaashi left they rang the door bell. Thinking it was Akaashi again you answered it. "Keiji ple-"

"Ew, you still call him Keiji? How revolting!" You tried closing the door but with your weak state they pushed in. Three overpowers one easily. "Ugh, I can't believe he lied to your face after you just got beat up! 'I love you'? HA! Please! Like anyone would love an idiotic bitch like you!" They explored your house trying to look for things to blackmail you with. They found a picture of you and Akaashi asleep that Kotaro had taken. You did have to admit it was cute so he gave it to you. "Oh, ew. Look at them all cuddled up! It's so gross!" the second one said as she brought the picture to the other two. "Ugh, I can't stand it!"

"Same here!"

They took the picture. "Guess we will be going now. If you want this picture back, stay away from Akaashi! This is lesson number two!"

"B-but I did stay away from him! He came to me!"

"Defying us?! Guess we will have to take something else!" They quickly grabbed your phone and ran out. "NO!" Now you had no communications with Akaashi.

Bokuto's sister(Akaashi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now