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With a sigh you put the last of your things in your basket and without looking where you were going you bump into someone. As you fall back they had cat like reflexes and caught you.


You both stared at each other for a second, till you realized the awkward stand you were both in. "Uh, Kuroo-san, please let go."

"Aww, why is Bok-chan so eager to get away from me?! Is it because I make you nervous?" he asked with his famous shit eating grin. You pushed his face and he helped you up to your feet and out of his arms. "Don't give me that shit eating smirk. What are you doing here?"

"Uh, shopping?"

"Oh, right dumb question."

"Hey, can I come over?"

"Sure, how come?"

"Well, Kotaro and I aren't studying the same thing at the university so I don't see him often. Also he's been studying like 24/7 and I think he needs to chills with his best bro. Plus, I want to talk to you in private."

"Ok. I just finished shopping, how about you?"

"I need one more thing, then we can check out and go."

You nodded in response and followed Kuroo.

Akaashi wasn't far from where this all happened and over heard what you guys said. 'Does Kuroo like (F/N)? No, it's can't be! If he does I probably don't stand a chance! Pain-in-the-ass-Kuroo!!' Akaashi was pretty mad and pretty jealous. Of course he couldn't let you know how he felt but no one said he couldn't tell Kuroo to back off.


You unlocked the door and let Kuroo inside the house. "Kotaro! I brought Kuroo home with me! I'll explain when you come down here!" You set the food down in the kitchen. No response. "Kotaro!" Then your phone buzzed and you looked at it.

Kotaro 💞

Hey! I just wanted to let you know I went out for a run by the way! I love you! Be safe!

"Oh. Well Kotaro isn't here right n-"

Kuroo then pushed you up against the wall. "K-KUROO?!" He held both your wrist in one hand and traced your body with the other. You let out a gasp at his touch. "K-Kur-"

"I love you. I always have. For a while now. I know you probably don't feel the same but I can't keep my feelings in anymore. (F/N), I want you." he whispered in your ear then licked it which made you gasp again. "K-Kuroo, st-stop."

"I'm sorry." Kuroo then slipped a hand under your shirt and caressed your breast and forcefully kissed you. You gasped and moaned at what was happening which made it easy for Kuroo to slip his tongue in. You mumbled things trying to get him to stop what he was doing but it wasn't working.

Akaashi had followed you home, having a feeling this would happen. He called Kotaro right away. "Kotaro! Get home now!"

"Bu-Akaashi?? Wh-"

"Just do it! I have a bad feeling that something is happening to (F/N)!"

Kotaro immediately hung up and ran for the house. He got there within a matter of minutes only the see Kuroo had you pushed against the wall and was kissing you. He also had a hand down your skirt and Kotaro could see you weren't enjoying this very much. "TESTURO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!"

He broke the kiss and let you go, while also slipping his hand out of your skirt as you feel to the ground, a bit exhausted and overwhelmed. "Sorry you had to see this br-" Kotaro charged at Kuroo and grabbed his collar. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO MY LITTLE SISTER?! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" Kotaro punched Kuroo. Kuroo winched as his best friend punched him. Kotaro wouldn't go all out in front of you so he let Kuroo off easy. "That's just a warning." Kuroo was a bit intimidated but wouldn't be as much if you weren't there. He could probably take Kotaro on in a battle and same with Kotaro but not in front of you. Kuroo got up off the floor and left the house.

Kotaro went to you. "K-Kotaro...how did you know?"

"I had a feeling!" he said with his usual idiot smile.

You laughed and smiled too. "I'm tired. You'll have to make dinner yourself, I'm sorry."

Kotaro shook his head. "No,it's fine. You rest. I love you." He kissed your forehead and let you go to your room as he made his way to the kitchen.

Akaashi had watched everything happen that just happened. As Kuroo left he punched him, pretty hard too. Kuroo fell the the ground. "KUROO YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY (nickname)-CHAN! YOU BED HEADED PIECE OF SHIT" Akaashi then kicked Kuroo. "PAIN-IN-THE-ASS-KUROO!" Akaashi then stomped on Kuroo to make sure he knew not to mess with him. "Now get the fuck out of my sight!" Kuroo ran away, definitely intimidated by Akaashi. He had never seen this side of the cool, laid back Akaashi, and he was kinda scared.

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