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"Hi there! I'm Mika!" a voice said from behind. You turned around to see a girl with dirty blonde, medium length hair. She had blue eyes and pale skin.

"Oh, hello

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"Oh, hello. Do you need something? I need to get to work."

"But you're going to see Akaashi first, right? Oh, wait I mean Keiji. It's disgusting how you call him by his first name."

Then from behind another girl came. "I know, right? It's so revolting." She had redish/pinkish, medium hair that was put in two little side ping tails while the rest was down. She also had red eyes and tan skin.

"I bet you barley understand anything we are saying because you are so dumb! How could Keiji fall in love with a slut like you? I don't understand!"

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"I bet you barley understand anything we are saying because you are so dumb! How could Keiji fall in love with a slut like you? I don't understand!"

"Now, girls." another voice said. "Maybe Keiji is just doing it out of pity. Ever think of that?" This girl had brown, long hair with brown eyes and tan skin.

 Ever think of that?" This girl had brown, long hair with brown eyes and tan skin

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"Keiji could never fall for someone as idiotic and revolting as her. She's also a fatty and quite unattractive." The three girls then snickered. "Come with us."

"Why would I?"

"Follow or die you ungrateful bitch!"

You followed the girls out of the school to an area behind the school where no one usually goes. "Ok, girls, teach her a lesson." the third one said as the first and second one started punching you. The first one punched you in the gut which knocked you back a bit while the second one came around to punch you in the face which knocked you to the ground. They were too fast and you couldn't keep up and they kept kicking you in the face then stomping on you. The third one that you guessed is their leader joined in the stomping then pulled you up by your hair and made you look at her face. "Stay away from Keiji or you will get an extra lesson everyday after school. If by the end of the year you are still with Keiji, you're dead. Got it?"

You nodded your head.

"Good." She then threw you to the ground. "Bye byee!!" she said cheerfully as the three girls walked off. You had no idea what condition your face was in and didn't want Akaashi to worry so you didn't say goodbye or anything you just ran to work.


"OH MY GOD! BOKUTO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" your boss yelled. Your face was a bit swollen and you had a black eye. Your clothes were also very dirty and you hand some bruises on your arms and legs. "I'm fine, can I just work please?"

"No. You need to go home and rest. I don't want you back here till you do."


"No! I'm doing this for your sake and the costumers. You can't work in the service industry looking like this!"

You just sighed and walked home.



"I'm fine Kotaro."

"Obviously you're not! Tell me what happe-"

"IT'S NOTHING! JUST LET ME BE!" You then ran to your room and slammed the door. You cried on your bed for hours questioning why they did this to you and if you should break up with Akaashi.

'Should I? It would probably break his heart. But, what if he is doing this out of pity? No, he confessed to me. Or did he? He said he heard me say "I love you" to him. So maybe he did do it out of pity. Probably, what would Akaashi want with someone like me. Akaashi is practically and angel. He could never love me.'

Bokuto's sister(Akaashi X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora