Chapter 3

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"Okay Samuel, you seem like a fine guy but one question before I give you the job to be my financial manager." Yoongi folds his hands and leans over the table. Samuel looks over at me and back at Yoongi.

I lean a little back into my chair waiting to see how this will go. "Okay? I'm ready for whatever question you throw at me, sir." Samuel also folds his hands and straightens his back. Yoongi looks at me and smirks. I smile.

"How old do you think I am? Do you think I am too young to own a huge company like this?" Yoongi gets out of his chair and stands next to Samuel.

"Uhh. I-I-, Umm" Says Samuel, not having anything to say.

The door opens revealing Author. Yoongi's assistant. "Oh I'm sorry to bother. Here is the strawberry shake you asked for, Ms.Williams." He sets the shake on the table with a napkin.

"Ah, thank you, Author. Just in time." I smile at Author when he slightly bows.

"Author, don't leave yet." Yoongi says not looking at him, and keeping his eyes on Samuel who was still speechless. "Tell me Samuel. Do you think I am too young? Do you think I am naive and easy to scam?"

Samuel looks at me again as if I have the answers to his problem. "Because it seems like you coming here and wanting the job of the finical manager, even after scamming other businesses to loose all their money,.. you must think I am naive and careless. You are probably think since I am young, you can scam me out of my money and this business that I worked hard for. Isn't that right?"

Samuel looks away from Yoongi, and doesn't say a word. I take this as my que to get out of my seat with the shake in my hand and taking the lid off. I walk over to the man who still stays quiet. Probably not sure what to do. I tip the pink shake over now small guy's head, letting the drink run down his expensive suit.

"Agh I hate strawberry." I look down at Samuel. His face full of disgust. I kneel to his height and whisper to his ear that was now covered in strawberry shake."Come close to this building again, and that suit won't be the only thing that gets destroyed. Understood?"

Samuel looks away from me. "Fuck you," he spits

I laugh and walk over too Yoongi, giving him a quick kiss. "Oh and Author. Call security and make sure he doesn't make a mess, then get Lisa another shake as well. Preferably chocolate this time. After that, take the day off." Yoongi pats his shoulder and then grabs on to my waist, holding me close. I raise my middle finger, knowing very well Samuel can see as we walk out of the office.

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