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(yes this is yslmuke i changed my user bc i want to write bts fics and i don't care for 5sos anymore okay enjoy the chapter)

lucy is sitting in her normal spot in her normal coffee shop with her normal order doing normal things when she gets a text from a not so normal person. she opens her phone to a text from hattie. 


hey cutie, up to anything tonight?

lucy smiled when she read the text. she quickly replied with a no, since she desperately wanted to see the curly haired girl again. she felt her heart jump when the grey bubble that said she was typing popped up.


wanna hang tonight? we can go bowling or to a movie if u'd like?

lucy texted back that they could go bowling for free if she was down to. hattie of course said she'd love to and lucy's heart felt like it was going to explode. she hadn't been able to get the green eyed beaut off her mind since she met her so she was excited to see her. but she forgot about one thing.

she had a date with lynn the same night.

lucy sat at her table smiling and giggling to herself when lynn came up to her. she looked up from her phone to meet the girl face-to-face. "hey babe."

"hey luc," lynn quickly kissed her before sitting down at the chair opposite of lucy. "we still on for tonight?"

"oh shit," lucy murmured to herself. she had completely forgotten. she know had to make a decision, and quick.

"did you forget?" lynn asked. lucy looked up at her in horror because she could tell how hurt she was. so, lucy shook her head. "i didn't forget! i just remembered that i don't have anything to wear!"

"oh, well," lynn pulled out her wallet and handed lucy a couple of bills. "get yourself something pretty, baby." lucy took the money and smiled at her.

"thank you, babe." lynn kissed lucy and than got up to go back to her shift. after lynn was out of sight, lucy quickly grabbed her things and ran out of the door of the coffee shop. she needed to get out of her date with lynn, and fast.


"wait, so you're trying to get out of  a date with your girlfriend to go on a date with another girl? that's wild, man," liam expressed as he walked alongside lucy with a pretzel in his hand. lucy rolled her eyes at him.

"not exactly, it's not a 'date', per se. we're just hanging out, that's all." lucy took a drink of her mocha.

"but i still don't get why you'd rather hang out with some random chick instead of your girlfriend? that's what is blowing my mind."

"because i'm lonely and have no friends besides for you, lima. i just want some more friends, that's all." lucy knew in her head that she was having second thoughts on her relationship with lynn, but he couldn't know that. he is the biggest shipper of them two and it'd break his heart.

"i can get that, but how are you going to blow off your girlfriend?" lucy hadn't come up with a proper plan to tell lynn that they weren't going out anymore. lynn was very protective over her and would probably even kill her if she knew she was hanging out with liam.

"i was thinking food poisoning maybe. and i could tell her that your taking care of me, that why she doesn't need to come over." liam nodded, to show his understanding.

"it's good, but we need to figure out what you got food poisoning from. how about mcdonald's?" he asked. lucy gasped in horror.

"don't turn my favorite fast food resturant on me! how about jack in the box?"

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