Chapter 6

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I hear someone call my name and I turn to see who it is and it hits me like a bus. I look over at Jami and she sees him too. I look at Zac and he just looks confused.

"Don't stop keep going I do not want to talk to him," I say kinda shaky.

"What is he doing here I thought he got expelled," Jami says confused.

"He did get expelled I'm the one who got him expelled," I say whisper shouting.

"What the frick is going on Mason got expelled he told everyone he was moving?," Zac says.

     "Yeah probably because he didn't want to ruin his reputation," I say getting irritated. 

     "Well we lost him, let's just go back to the picnic table, so we can eat," Jami says turning around to check to see if he was there.

     We start walking back to the picnic table and I finally feel my heartbeat go back to normal. When we reach the table we set out our lunches and start to eat. Zac takes a bite out of his sandwich.

     "Ok so what really happened that made him get expelled?," Zac says with his mouth full.

     "The beginning of 7th grade Mason started bullying me and at first it was nothing he would just call me a name or  throw something at me. Well as the year went on it got worse he would trip my in class or in the halls on purpose, but it just kept getting worse. The worst it got was when he beat me up behind the school after cheer practice."

     "Callie why didn't you tell me I would have beat him to a pulp," Zac says getting defensive.

     "Well I didn't tell anyone for almost two years then I told Jami but only because I had to. We were in the mall and he pushed me up against the wall and tried to kiss me but Jami showed up and he ran away. I was crying and I told her, then she made me tell my mom. Well knowing my mom she went to the principal and told him and they brought Mason in for confirmation. All he said was I'm sorry I did it I just love you," I say as I start to tear up.

     "I can't believe that I'm so sorry Callie," Zac said sadly. 

     That's when I saw him again he was walking towards our table.

     "Jami, Zac," I said pointing in the direction he was coming from.

     We tried to pack up our stuff, but we where to late. He sat next to me and put his arm around me. I pushed it off and slid over closer to Zac.

     "What do you want," I said in a harsh tone.

     "Don't worry baby girl I'm better now I know how to deal with my "feelings"," he said air quoting feelings.

     "What's that supposed to mean?," I ask him.

     "It means when I got expelled my mom wanted to keep me in this school, so the principal said if I got therapy I could come back."

     "Well what do you want with us," Jami says rising from her seat.

     "Don't worry, umm.. Jami isn't it I'm not here to cause trouble I have a question for I can finish my therapy," he says actually acting serious.

     "Callie, do you think you could forgive me and realize I just had problems that I needed to deal with I just didn't and I just like you," he said with a shaky voice as if he was gonna cry.

"I understand," I say with a smile.

"Really," he says.


"Thank you I was so worried you weren't it's just I treated you, so bad," he says as he leans into me and gives me a hug.

He lets go and stands up and looks at me for a good second, then walks away. I could feel his arms still around me.

"What was that," Jami asks.

"I don't know."

I reach up and touch my arm where he hugged me.

"Is it possible that I have feelings for Mason Carter?," I think to myself.

I really like this chapter I just feel like it gives you a look at the characters personalities.

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