Chapter 8

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Callie's POV

*After School*

"Hey can I give y'all a ride today," Zac asks as we are putting our books in our lockers.

"Yeah I don't see why not my mom works late tonight and I know she wouldn't care," Jami says.

"It's a date then," I say laughing.

We walk out of the school and I get stopped by Mason.

"Mason back away and leave," Zac says pushing me behind him.

"It's ok, Zac I got this," I say pushing Zac off of me.

     "What do you need Mason?"

     "Uh Callie would you like to go to the umm movies this weekend,?" Mason says running his fingers through his hair, blushing a little.

     "I don't know give me some time to think about. What's your number?" I ask.

     I go to hand him my phone but remember I left it at home.

     "I'm sorry I left my phone at my house," I say apologetic.

     "No problem," he says as he grabs my hand and wrights it on there.

     "Guess I'll talk to you later," he says smiling.

     "Ok," I say as I start to walk down the school's sidewalk with Zac and Jami.

     "What was all of that about do you seriously think he is being nice or does he just want to get to you no offense," Jami says.

     "I don't know something about him just feels, I don't know different," I say looking down at his phone number (803) 164-2367 the number suits him it's really simple.

     We all get into Zac's silver Jeep Grand Cherokee. Jami of course gets shotgun because she wants to hold Zac's hand. I look up and sure enough they are holding hands.

     "Barf," I say fake gagging.

     "What?," Jami asks turning around in her seat.

     "Nothing, but you guys need to stop acting like y'all love each other so much you make me feel bad," I say trying to hold back laughter.

     "We can't help your single," Zac says looking through the review mirror.

     "Eyes on the road dufus," I say laughing.

     Zac pulls into Jami's driveway and we get out. Jami runs up to her door and grabs the key from out off the lamp and unlocks the door.

"Do y'all want anything to eat," Jami asks.

"Of course," Zac says scanning the counters.

"Omg are those your mom's brownies," Zac says running over to the counter.

"Yes but there for dinner you can only eat one," Jami says giving Zac a look like eat more than one and I will cut your hand off.

"Ok I'm staying for dinner," Zac says laughing.

"Ok, Callie you staying," Jami asks me.

"If I can borrow your phone to text her," I say holding my hand out.

"Ok," Jami says handing me her phone.

C=Callie M=Mom
C: Hey it's Callie can I stay at Jami's for dinner?
M: as long as we can return the favor this weekend.
C: ok thanks

"She said I could as long as you can come to dinner with us one night this weekend," I say laughing and rolling my eyes.

"That's fine with me," Jami says with a smile.

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