Promise Is Promise (Falling In Reverse/Ronnie Radke FF)

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A/N: Thank You @turtletheweird for helping me come up with the title of the story you're amazing!!!!!



Ronnie moved my hair that was in front of my face, "Ronnie I don't want you to go." I said softly as he sighed, "I have to Mal just promise me you'll be here when I get back?" I looked at him as I felt a tears run down my face. "I will be Ronnie I promise." He smiled at me as we kissed softly, "Ronnie?" I asked as he looked at me as he handed me a ring. "What's-" "A promise ring..." I smiled at him as he got up as he helped me up. "I know I'll never see you again Melody but please always keep this on and maybe one day we'll see one another again." I nodded as he left. I hugged Max goodbye. "Stay safe Max." He looked at me. "Always Mal...Here" He said giving me his cell phone number. "don't be afraid to give me a call." I nodded and hugged him again. "Bye Max." He waved as I hugged every bye. I sighed and went to the dock sitting here looking at the sunset.

_End Dream/Flashback_

I woke sweating and crying, "Mal are you ready!!!!" Sophia yelled as I sighed, She's dragging me to some concert. "No I just got up!" I yelled back as I went into the bathroom and showered. I changed into my Escape The Fate shirt and my shorts. I put on the promise ring as I sighed. "hey is Jeremy coming?" "No he's got to work but Chase is." "Yuuuuuuk why him?" I mumbled as she said, "because he happens to be my boyfriend and he loves Falling In Reverse." I sighed "fine." I said as I grabbed my backstage pass as I put it in my pocket along with my phone. I grabbed my Get Scared hoodie and walked into my bathroom doing my make-up. "Hurry UP~" Sophia screamed at me as I sighed getting my heels on as I walked out of my room as I headed out with her as we got in her car she demanded I sit in back. I rolled my eyes, "Damn it Sophia I'm 27 I can drive myself." She laughed. "You wouldn't even be at the Venue if you drove yourself." I rolled my eyes as she huffed. We picked up Chase as he and I ignored one another as Sophia asked. "Why do you hate one another again?" She asked as we glared at one another. "because when we were in highschool she dated the guy I hated and she knew it and it still bugs the hell out of me." "HA! Because I told you I didn't want to date you!" I yelled.

Everything suddenly got quiet as I looked out the window...I sighed as leaned my head back. "Can I please go home?" "No!" "So did you tell her?" Chase asked Sophia. I looked at Sophia, "Tell me what?" Chase looked at me. "About Radke?" "what about him?" I asked as they looked at one another. "Never mind you'll see for yourself." Chase said as I shrugged. We got to the Venue as I sat in the car, "Get out of my car Mal." I nodded as I got out as I made sure I had everything. I looked around as I sighed; "Why couldn't it be a Motionless concert." I whined as Chase and Sophia looked at one another. "Live with it." I rolled my eyes as we showed our passes to the guard. I stopped at the bus as Chase looked at me. "What's so special about these guys?" I asked him as he looked at me. "The singer made the band while he was in jail." I nodded as I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't make them special Chase." I said as he rolled his eyes. Sophia knocked on the bus while three other kids came up. I nodded at them as I started walking away as I heard the door open as I heard. "Melody!!! Get over here!!!" I kicked the ground as I started walking back. She hit my shoulder as we followed the others onto the bus. I sat next to Sophia as I started texting Jeremy. He's my best friend he's probably with his boyfriend....

I was hit on the shoulder as I looked up, "What?" "Name?" "Melody...wait...why?" I asked as I noticed everyone was looking at me... "Shit." I mumbled. "Hey Chase do you have your pack on you?" He nodded handing me it as I went outside. I sighed as I started to get back up as Sophia pulled me down. "Sophia May you better let go of me." I snapped as she let go as I went outside as I took a cigarette out as I put it in my mouth I got the lighter as I lit it and took that first inhale. I listened to the convo inside the bus. "So what's her deal?" "She just doesn't like being places she doesn't want to be." Chase said as I snorted. "She could of just stayed at home." A guy said. "I wish." I mumbled as Sophia said. "She needs to explore more music than just Motionless In White, Kuza, Vampire's Everywhere and bands like that." I rolled my eyes as I finished I walked onto the bus. I threw the pack at Chase as I put my hands on my hips. "Uh oh." Sophia said. "You and I will talk later." I said threateningly. A guy laughed, "You sound like a girl I knew in high school." I looked at the guy as I froze. "he looks so familier." I whispered to Chase as he nodded. I looked at Chase his face looked like he new something. I just shrugged it off as they were talking as I was playing Candy Crush. "So where do you guys live." The guy who looked familier said. Everyone said as they all looked at me. "Born and raised in Vegas baby." I said as I was still playing Candy Crush, "I grew up with that idiot." I said point at Chase.

Sophia hit my arm, "What quit hitting me dammit." I yelled at her as she looked at me startled as I just looked at my screen it was Ronnie and I from Jr. High laughing on the swings. I sighed as another guy asked what our stories where. Everyone one said their stories as I looked at everyone. "What I'm just a Vegas child." I said as Chase sighed at me and nudged me.. "Fine god..." I said as I followed with. "The guy I love started a band broke my heart joined a band left me stranded in vegas alone. Now here I am being dragged to a concert with a band I don't know plus to add on top of that chase told me a while ago that the guy that broke my heart was married and has a baby." I said as I got a text it was my mom doing all caps I sighed. "I have to take this." I said as I walked off the bus. "Melody Nattily Rends what the hell are you doing?" "Huh?" than I heard her slur, "Come home now?" "Call one of you other damned children I'm not obeying to your every drunkin wish! Get clean like Ronnie's dad!" I yelled as she laughed. "You need to let that booy go he dumped your ass leave it alone." I was hurt...really hurt I know I needed to let go but I loved Ronnie. I sighed. "I know mom..." I said as I hung up and threw my phone as far as I could and started walking away.

After a couple minutes I heard, "Wait up!" I looked behind me to see the familiar guy. "what?" I asked as he handed me my phone. "Thanks." I said as he nodded. "I'm Ronnie." "Melody." I moved everything on my phone to my card as I looked at Ronnie. "Think your bus could 'accidently' run over my phone?" he looked at me confused. "Why?" I shrugged, "Because everyone on my phone drives me nuts." He chuckled. "Sorry but no." I shrugged again. "I had to try." He nodded. "So do you even know who your going to see?" I shook my head. "I'm into heavy metal, classic rock etc. genres of music." He nodded. "What about pop punk?" I shrugged, "I guess if Sleeping With Sirens count." He chuckled but nodded. "Ronnie let's go!" a guy yelled. "That's Ron, the one with the bandana is Jacky next to him is Ryan and the guy coming out of the bus with your friend and Chase." "Wait you know Chase?" "Yeah he told me his name before I left to find you." He said. I nodded as he said before leaving, "His name is Derek." I nodded as he walked over to his band. I saw a woman with a baby on her hip go to Ronnie. He nodded as they talked. I went over to Chase. "Did you ask him to run over you phone with the bus?" I nodded. "Their not as fun as Asking Alexandria." Chase shook his head. We were drunk Melody." I shrugged. "It was still funny as fuck." I said as he shook his head.

We got backstage I started to hum, 'Friends And Alibis' by Escape The Fate; Jacky shot me a smile as I hummed some more as I looked around as I just softly sang some old Escape The Fate songs before the show started. Ronnie shot me a couple looks as I put my hands up this last time. When they got on stage I started to sing some more old Escape The Fate as I heard Ronnie said, "TO the girl back stage who I know is humming old Escape The Fate music Stop you are at a Falling In Reverse concert!" He looked at me as I flipped off as I smiled. He shook his head as they began they were good but I still LOVE Escape The Fate (both old and new) better. "So did we hit your mark of music?" Ron asked me as I shrugged. "Your on the same list as SwS." I said as Sophia gasped. "On your barely ever listen to list?" I shrugged. "Sorry but I'm more of an Escape The Fate Girl." I said as I walked off. I saw the woman with the baby as I smiled. "I can't believe you Mel!" Sophia yelled at me as I looked at her. The woman looked at us, "Are you seriously wanting me to like their music? I told you this over and over I love Escape The Fate more!" "BECAUSE THAT IDIOT THAT LEFT YOU!" she screamed as I got teary eyes. "Mel I'm-" "Save it leave me alone." I said as I walked away.

I went to Mr. Radke's house, "Hey hun." He said as I smiled. "hey pops." I said as he laughed. "I'm not that old yet girly." I giggled. "So what's new?" I asked, "I get to see my granddaughter today." "Awe I'm happy for you!!!" I said as he laughed. "What are you doing here?" "I got into a fight with Sophia." He sighed. "Same Topic as before?" I nodded he shook his head. I went to the backyard as I heard some talking. I just shrugged as I heard. "Why is there a girl in your backyard?" "Don't worry about her she's here all the time." I giggled as I shook my head I sat out there till the stars came out I sighed. "Hey pops I better get going." I said as I walked inside...I saw Ronnie? And the woman from the concert. "Alright hun before you go you remember my son" I looked at him I was going to say something as I couldn't. "I remember." I said quietly as pops sighed. "I'm sorry Mel..."

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