12: "A Food Orgy in My Cleavage."

Start from the beginning

But he's not holding my wrist. He's holding my hand. Oh my god, is Roxy right? Does Jack like me?

Forget it. I knew if Roxy told me something like this I would read into things unnecessarily. And now's not the time to fangirl. It's time to think about why the hell Jesse is standing to my right.

"Fox, look... I don't know why I did that. It was just reflexes I swear. I would never hurt you... intentionally. And-"

"Jesse?" I interrupt him lazily.

"Yeah?" He says with guilt showing everywhere on his face.

"Shut up, you're giving me a headache." I bring my free hand up to my face as Jack and I keep walking.

"There's no need to get all hostile," he says as he appears to get angry.

"Suck a fucking bag of dicks, Dexter," I mutter as I leave the cafeteria.

As we're leaving Damon appears at my side, replacing where Jesse once stood. "That was not fucking right," Damon mutters while we're walking through the hallways.

"It was a fucking low blow," Jack adds.

"Guys, it's fine. To be honest, I just want to leave and get out of these clothes," I say to them.

"Can I help?" Jack asks with a wink and a cheeky smile.

"No," answers Damon.

"Worth a shot," he says to himself.

"No, it wasn't," I say to him as I laugh.

"True," both of them say.

Just as we are about to exit a voice stops us.

"Katrina Fox. My office. Now."

Principal Johnson. Yay.

"Run," I mutter and we make a break for it. When we reach the parking lot I start to feel light headed. Jack makes sure I'm alright before decides he has to go back. But honestly, he's going a little overkill on helping me. I appreciate it but it seems a bit much. Unless he's trying to impress me because he likes me.

No, it's definitely not that. Fuck you, Roxy, for putting these unrealistic thoughts in my head.

"I've got that AP English test." Jack brings me back to reality. Drifted off a bit there.

"Good luck," I say with a smile. I've been doing that a lot lately.

"It's all good, I'm gonna go now," he smiles and heads back to school.

"You like him, don't you?" Damon asks.

"What?" I look up at him.

"I have never seen you that smiley because of being around a person."

I blush for what seems to be the first time since California. That's a lie. Jack has definitely made me blush before. "No, I just... I-I mean, like um... it's that..." I struggle to find my words. I can't really explain why I'm like that around Jack. I'm not sure whether it's that I'm looking for someone to give me hope in relationships again, or whether it's that I just like him a lot more than I think.

I was never like this with him before I went to California but a lot changes in a year. I was a naïve sixteen-year-old when I left and I'm a naïve seventeen-year-old now. So much change.

But in all seriousness, I changed in California. My perspective changed thanks to the events in California. I am not the same person I was when I left. And I will never be that person again.

Fuck that. All this deep thinking is making my head hurt.

"Get your words out, Katrina," he scolds.

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