Chapter 13

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Guysssss we're taking a trip down memory lane. I'm excited for this.

This is 17,480 words. Prepare yourself.

"Carmen." He says when we get in the car.

"Are you doing drugs, Shaun?" I look at him.


"Answer the question."

"No." he says.

"No you're not doing drugs or no you won't answer the question?" I ask.

He sighs.

"Heroin. I'm try to stop."

I nod slowly.

"I'm getting you therapy."

"Carmen, I put you through a glass door." He whispers.

"Whatever." I say. "If you think you're going to rid of me that easily, you're stupid. You're fucking me over when you're high. You're going to stop. I don't care if I go into a coma. You're going to stop."

I start driving.

He stays silent the whole ride.

I bring him to Mom and Dad's so he can shower and shave and change clothes, and then I drive home.

"Carmen, if I go in that house, your husband is going to kick my ass."

"Stay here." I say.

I get out, taking my purse and the keys, and I go inside.

I walk into the living room. Everyone is sitting down, playing board games.

"You're home!" Emily says.

"Yeah." I kneel down to hug the kids, and I stand up. "Alright guys." I say. "Somebody is going to walk into this house." I say. "And you're going to treat him with respect."

Everyone looks at me, confused.

"Who is it?" Delaney asks.

"It doesn't matter. You're going to treat him like family. If he's treated any different, I'll kick you out." I look at Tyler. "Including you. One negative reaction from you, and I swear to god-"

"I won't do anything." Tyler says, confused.

"Good." I breathe. I walk out, back into the garage.

"Carmen, I'm not going in there." Shaun says.

"Yes you are." I say.

He hesitates, and then he follows me into the house.

I walk into the living room, and everyone turns around.

They want to know who it is.

He doesn't follow me.

"Let's go!" I say.

There's a pause, and then he walks into the room, his hands in fists in his pockets.

Shock crosses all of their faces.

"Daddy!" Ava squeals. She stands up, running across the living room to her.

She trips, but Shaun shoots forward and catches her.

"Hey baby girl." He hugs her, kisses her forehead.

Nobody speaks.

Nobody moves.

And then Tyler stands up.

"We're playing Uno." He says. "Dinner's in the oven. It's not done yet. Do you want to play?"

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