Chapter 5

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I was fine.

Really, I was. I accepted it, I went through the whole box with Tyler, and we saved photos, and he started putting them up around the house.

I let him, because why not?

He framed the one of me and Shaun with our grandparents and Aunt and Uncle and our cousin and it's on the wall upstairs in the hall.

I was good all week. Was with my babies.

But closer Saturday got, the more nervous I felt.

Mom begged Tyler and I to let us use our house because she wants the party outside and the property at Mom and Dad's has hills and trees in random places.

Our property is flat, with perfectly cut grass, and bushes around the property.

There's not trees.

Finally, I told her yes because I was sick of her bitching.

I struggled to get out of bed yesterday, and Tyler begged me today.

It's Saturday, around noon.

The party is in full swing, and there's so many people.

They didn't only do it with Mom's side, but Dad's side, too.

I was raised going to expensive parties and shit.

But this is different.

These people aren't potential investors for my parents.

They're people with my blood.

They're family.

And they're in my house.

I'm so disgusted. I don't like this.

I don't know anybody.

I feel intensly uncomfortable.

I keep scanning the area for my kids, and as I spot all of them and make sure they're safe, I start looking for Tyler. He's talking to his parents.

He doesn't know anybody here either.

I've been wandering around the area for an hour now, trying to find something to do.

I keep my head down, avoiding people. it was casual attire because it's outside, so I'm in a pair of my favorite light denim skinny jeans, and a gray t-shirt. My hair is down and wavy, and I keep looking at my phone for an excuse to leave, hoping, praying.

Maybe a fire will start at the penthouse and I'll have to drive all the way to Pennsylvania to go get some shit.

Tyler reminded me repeatedly that he's here for me whenever I need him.

I look back at the playground to make sure the kids are safe and playing on the playground.

They're with all their cousins and a ton of other people that are related to them in some way, shape, or form.

I twist the wedding ring repeatedly on my left hand, my anxiety leve through the roof.

"Not a social person?" a guy asks me.

He has lines near his eyes from smiling so much. His hair is a blondish brownish, with a hint of auburn, almost. It's spiked. He's tall, probably Tyler's height. He looks really nice, and if I wasn't married, I'd find him attractive.

He has broad shoulders and big muscles. He's wearing a white t-shirt.

He raises his eyebrows at me.

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