Chapter 17- The Pier

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//I'm having a little writers block so this is just a little Fannie fluff because... Why not? Oh who am I kidding, it's a boat load of Fannie Fluff//

Finnick's POV:

As you all know, Katniss and Peeta are on their date that should have happened four years ago. Peeta had just left, and the guys sit on their bunks, in this thick silence that I couldn't stand.

"I'm texting Annie!" I announce, almost falling out of the bunk. Okay, I actually fall out of the bunk. Cato glances at me, holding his phone. He rolls his eyes and slightly smiles, trying to refrain from laughing. Then he looks back at his phone.

Marvel on the other hand bursts out laughing, almost falling out of the bunk himself.

"Sure. Tell her to bring the rest of the girls too. I'm guessing they aren't busy at all." Gale shrugs, stepping off of his bed and moving over to Cato's and Peeta's bunk sitting down on Peeta's bed next to Cato.

I stand up off of the floor, dusting myself off, before grabbing my phone to send a text to Annie. Marvel regains himself and sits back on his bed.

Me: hey, beautiful. Wondering if you and the girls wanted to hang over here while Katniss and Peeta are on their date.

Girlfriend<3: why of course, we will be there in about five minutes.

"Okay. They'll be here in five." I say, tossing my phone on my bed. Marvel picks up a couple pieces of paper and begins writing viciously.

"Who's coming?" Cato sets his phone next to him.

"Um... I think just Annie, Clove and Jo. Yeah." I respond, popping a sugar cube in my mouth. Cato nods in response. Marvel just continues to scribble down an essay due in two days for his history class.

"Calm yourself, Marv. You are writing like I do when the essay in due in twenty minutes. Why are you so on edge?" Cato questions, looking at Marvel, who's almost breaking a sweat. //WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIIIME//

"On edge? I don't know what you mean." He breaks his pencil, curses and throws it across the room, hitting Gale in the face.

"Hey!" He says holding his eye. Marvel grunts and shoves his half written essay in his bag. He glances over at Cato, who narrowed his eyes at Marvel.

"Okay. I guess you can say I'm on edge. I don't really know. Maybe I'm still mad at Glimmer... Or because I'm failing history... I don't know." He sighs, and leans back, running his hands through his hair before holding his neck and looking down at his lap.

Gale rolls his eyes, right before a knock at the door makes him jump out of his seat. He sighs and opens the door, expecting to see the girls.

But no, that's not who was standing there. I mean technically, it was a girl. But not Clove, Johanna or my rocking girlfriend. It was some girl, who was quite short, wearing a light pink, PINK jacket, some black leggings, and Adidas shoes. Her hair was a very light brown and she had light brown eyes. I would say she was pretty, but no one is compared to Annie. She is my world.

This... Girl... Stood at our door biting her lip, one arm draped across her torso holding the other arm which dangles to her side.

"Uh... Can I help you?" He starts, stepping back slightly realizing this girls presence. She eyes him slightly, before switching her weight on her other leg.

"Hi. I'm Nina. This must be slightly confusing."

Cato jumps up and stands next to Gale.

"Oh you know, just a little." Cato shrugs, crossing his arms. "What's your business here?"

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