4. The Assistant Manager / The Ex.

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~Ryan's POV~

I woke up in such a terrible mood. Even though I was definitely not a morning person, this was one of the worst mornings. I looked at the small black clock on the bedside table. It said "15:17".

I groaned and stared at the ceiling. I couldn't get my mind off of her. Her eyes. Her scent. Her touch. Her skin. Her smile. Every time I tried to think about something else, she always pops back into my mind. I replayed last night's events that happened like a blur.


I finally found a small club and walked in. It was sort of small, but it was really loud and crazy. it was 8 pm but most of the people here were either drunk, out cold, or puking in the bathroom. I was suddenly reminded of why I stopped drinking and stopped going to clubs.

But, no. I had to show Mom that there was nothing wrong with going to clubs.

So I sat at the chair on the farthest end of the drink bar and ordered a bottle of beer after I showed them my ID. I took a small sip at first, tasting the foul smelling alcohol in the bottle. Why did I enjoy this before? This drink is horrible. But my head told me to put on my tough guy act if I wanted to proof Mom wrong.

I swallowed a huge gulp and winced as it went down my throat. I turned around to make sure no one saw that but I stopped midway on my head-turn when something caught my eye.

Not something, someone.

She was sitting at the other end of the bar wearing a white shirt, a blue cardigan, and a blue skirt. she had her wavy brownish hair down and she was staring at the drink in front of her like it was poison.

I found myself smiling at her expression. Not everyday you got to see someone as innocent and untainted by the dark world as her. And here she was now, trying to stain her body with alcohol.

She hesitated for a bit but then picked up her glass and drank the whole glass in a gulp.

She squeezed her eyes shut and pursed her lips and shook her head. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. She looked so cute.

She looked around, just as I did, to make sure no one looked at her. But her eyes stopped at me as she found me staring at her. I smiled at her, but she quickly looked down, looking embarrassed. That was it. I had to get her number.

But just as I was about to walk to her, a drunk guy-a pretty huge drunk guy- walked toward her with a bottle of beer in his hand. He swayed as he walked toward her. He touched her shoulder and she jumped at first, but then she shook his hand off and tried to get away from him, but he grabbed her wrist and kissed her. She shoved him away and started to run. But the guy was stronger, so there was no use.

I didn't know why, but I felt protective of her all of the sudden. Like I didn't want anyone touching her, disturbing her, or harming her in any way. I left my bottle of beer there and started walking toward her. I separated them and shoved the guy back.

He looked surprised at first but then shoved me back and said, "This is none of your business, 'Superman', so stay the hell out of it." I replied with a calm, yet dangerous,-well at least I thought it was- voice. "You will not hurt her." He snorted. "Me? Hurt her?" and he let out a very ugly laugh. "Why would I hurt my girlfriend? Right, baby?" and he looked and smirked at her.

My heart sank a bit at the word "girlfriend". The girl looked so scared and so uncomfortable being near her 'boyfriend'. Why would anyone as perfect as her want to date anyone like this? The world is so screwed.

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