12. Movies

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Ari's POV

"Jamie, stop! People are staring!" I screamed while laughing. I was currently in a Target shopping cart and Jamie was the one pushing it with him running in full speed.

"Let them stare! Haters gonna hate!" he said, running even faster.

"You're gonna get me fired!!" I said to him while holding onto the bars.

Yes, I worked in Target. Not that I needed to, no. I just always loved shopping here, so I didn't see a reason to why I shouldn't work here too.

It had been a few weeks since the concert, and me and Sam had been spending a lot of time together with the Hot Chelle Rae guys. From this week I learned that Ian, the bassist with the hair, had a girlfriend, Maggie, which was also a singer. I hadn't had the chance to meet her, but from what I heard, she seemed to be this sweet, cool, laid-back, and super fashionable girl that Ian loved so dearly. Ian was quiet at first, but once we got to know each other better, he was pretty cool.

Nash was awesome. He could act like an adult if he wanted to, but he chose to act like a kid most of the time, and I was totally okay with it. I wasn't a big fan of those 'mature' people with sophisticated clothes and dresses and an English accent and all that. I was more into people who were fun, crazy and immature people, but could still control themselves. He and Sammy seemed to be pretty close to each other.

Ryan was pretty cool. He was funny, sweet, fun, but could be super sweet at certain times. He also had this angelic and contagious laugh that could cause the whole room to laugh along. If laughs could be angelic, that was. And did I mention that he was hot? Because he totally was. I swore these were just hormones.

Jamie was the youngest in the band. I got along with him best, partly because of the short age distance between the both of us. He was this fun, sweet, crazy guy who could be dead serious in one second, and burst out laughing on the next. He was like the brother I always wanted but never had.

As if on cue, my old, boring, manager, Sally, screamed at me.

"Stones! Stop messing around and start working! Those shelves aren't going to stack themselves!"

With that, Jamie stopped and I quickly jumped out of the cart. I made sure my work T-shirt was neat and readjusted my bun.

"I'm sorry, I-" I started, but Jamie cut me off.

"Oh, save it, Sally. We both know it wasn't her fault."

I stared wide-eyed at him, wondering how on earth did he know my manager.

"You again?! What the hell do you think you're doing here?!" Sally snapped.

"Oh, I didn't know visiting a friend at work was a crime!" Jamie said sarcastically.

"Get out of here, Follesé," she said, and glared daggers at him.

"Fuck off, Sally," Jamie said, glaring back, which caused both me and Sally to stare wide-eyed at him.

I thought Sally opened her mouth to object, but then she stomped away.

"Oh my god, thank you. I really thought I was gonna get fired." I said when I was sure Sally couldn't hear us.

"My pleasure." he said with a smile, emphasizing on 'pleasure'.

"What the hell was that, by the way? How do you even know her?" I asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

"Oh we just had a bad history, that's all." he shrugged.

I stopped walking and stared at him.

"Oh, not that kind of history, oh god no." he quickly said. "I just used to work here and I had always hated her and always did the opposite of what she said, so I got fired. That was when I wasn't in the band yet."

I Wish. {A Hot Chelle Rae Fanfiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz